Saturday, November 22, 2014

Another Letter of Thanks To The Husband


I am SO very thankful for you.

You are the backbone that holds up this family.  I am thankful for your hard work and your dependability.

I am thankful for your amazing support.  For encouraging me to grow, for offering to help me and for always being by my side.

Thank you for being a wonderful Father to our Son.  For showing him what it means to be a real man, for teaching him to love, for being his Hero.

I am thankful for your diligence in reaching the difficult people in our lives.  For stepping back and acknowledging the hurt but continuing to try and reach them even though they aren't listening.

I am thankful for your giving and kind heart.  For your desire to help those in need and to teach our son what it means to give a helping hand.  For your loyalty to your sick Dad and for teaching our son what "family" means.

Thank you for the way that you love me.  Deeply, insanely and all consuming.   I am thankful for your worry, your truth, thankful for your passion and for your partnership.

I am thankful for your willingness to do better.  To strive for more and to make changes when needed.

I am thankful for how you love our puppies and the care you show all living animals.

I am thankful for your smart head and mechanical aptitude.  I am thankful for your street smarts and your tough exterior.

I am thankful that only I know the real you.  That I am the one you count on, the one you lean on, the one you are your true self with.  Others see the persona you've created but have no idea who you really are- but I know.

But most importantly husband, I am thankful to be loved by you and to love you in return.

I am so very thankful for you.

I love you,
The Wife

Check out last year's Letter of Thanks and don't forget to write one of your own.  Thanksgiving is a great time to tell the people in your lives how thankful you are for them.

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