Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I Am NOT Brave

I posted this message over on the Facebook page and it's simply too good NOT to share here.  Special thanks to Momastery for the article at the very end.  I simply LOVE this blog, so if you get a chance, check it out!


People call me brave. They say I'm doing something amazing. They tell me that they "could never do what I'm doing," this thing called homeschooling.

And then I think to myself- I'm not brave. I'm weak.

Because I could NEVER, ever in a million years do what you do. I could never send my child off to public school each day. Watch as my baby walks out the front door towards an uncertain world. How do you do it parents? For every wonderful thing they may experience is an equal amount of horrible and I just don't have the guts, the bravery, to send my baby out into this unknown scary universe.

Will it take away his smile? Will it change his behaviors? Will he become bored & act out? Will he be made fun of for his choices? Will he make true friends? Will teachers see his wonderful?

So instead, I choose to homeschool. Where I know he's safe. Where I know he's learning. Where I know he's loved. Where I can (for the moment) control the environment, his friends, his curriculum and shape him into the MAN he is destined to be.

Some say that's bravery. But sometimes, I think it just may be the fear of the alternative.

I am not brave.

The parents that open that door & watch their children, their BABIES, their hearts, walk away from them- now that's true bravery.

And because I love this article, I'm sharing with all of you. There should be a word to describe this bravery. All of us parents struggle with our choices- is homeschooling best? I wish I could afford private school. Is public school really the right way to go? We all struggle, no matter what we decide. And for those of you here who do watch your babies walk out that door- you are far stronger then I am. Please know that I support you as you make the choice that is right for your family.


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