Friday, January 20, 2017

We Got This

I posted this over on the Facebook page and it is such a good message that I wanted to share with you all here in Blogland.

Today is Inauguration Day.  Today is the day we officially get a new President.  Never can I remember in my lifetime a nation SO divided.  Tempers are HOT, words are SAID and our children are WATCHING.

This post is not about who I voted for or who YOU voted for- it's just not.  It's about using this moment in history to teach our children a valuable, lifelong lesson.

There's a lot of FEELINGS happening today.
Buckets full of bad ones, angry ones, hopeful ones, sad is a big day.
But today is also the same as yesterday.
I'm still gonna drink my big cups of coffee, I'm still gonna run my errands & clean the bathrooms, I'm still gonna teach my child. I'm still gonna be me.
These buckets full of feelings won't change that. The angry & hurt feelings from friends, the outrage & cries of "not my President!", the smug comments from those who feel they've won- while I understand them & the sadness & hope they inspire, they won't change the course of today.
So yes- today we can be ALL UP IN OUR FEELS but tomorrow- let's not forget that we are still us.
Please be cautious with your feelings today. Your children & your people are watching. And if God gives you the gift of tomorrow, please remember that YOU can change things through your ACTIONS. Let today's buckets of feels inspire you to improve your tomorrow & your children's tomorrow.

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