Friday, September 18, 2015

We Love Teachers!


Perhaps the most asked question rivaled only by the "socialization" issue when it comes to homeschooling.  So really- why did we chose to homeschool?

I've talked a bit about it before but the truth is that there's really no one single answer.  We homeschool for many different reasons.  We value our time as a family, flexibility, we believe the educational system is flawed, less homework or none at all, no early wakeups or late nights, we wanted control over the content of our child's education, the ability to shelter our child, more time to spend on things that are of interest, not worrying about conforming or following rules we don't agree with...see- told you there's lot of reasons why.  And that's not even the whole list!

But no where on this list did I mention that we chose to homeschool because we don't like teachers.  Not for one single moment has this ever factored into our decision to homeschool.

You see- we LOVE teachers in this house mmkay....we firmly believe that the majority of teachers are doing the best they can in a difficult situation and continue to plug along day in and day out because they care SO much about our children.  Tell me- who wouldn't love someone that dedicated?

Teachers are the unsung heroes of our world.  They sacrifice, they love, they provide, they heal, they support, they encourage but most importantly- they teach.  In an educational system that has not worked for decades, with parents who now rely on schools to parent their children, under extreme financial hardships and the hideousness that is common core- they teach.

Just because we don't personally send our child out into this system doesn't mean we can't understand and appreciate all that you do.  So teachers- please hear me when I say this to you:

Our decision to homeschool has nothing to do with you.  To the wonderful and dedicated teachers out there we simply say, Thank You.

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