
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Guidelines in the Running of Your Home

There's a few rules that I follow in the running of my home.  If you are a career housewife like I consider myself to be- then it's very important that your home reflect your work and that you succeed in your career.

My home is not large.  It's not new or fancy- in fact, it's a pretty normal home built in the 1980's.  But it makes me happy and I'm very proud of all the hard work myself and my husband have put into our home.  My house is also the place where almost all holidays, birthday parties and other events are hosted.  I think a major reason that folks feel comfortable in my home is because of the following guidelines.

  • Your main living areas should be clean and free from clutter at all times.  Yes, a small amount of clutter exists in every home.  That's fine.  What I'm talking about here is stacks and piles of stuff.  Besides the fact that this is an eyesore it's also a health hazard.  Dirt and dust can collect, insects can be attracted to it and let's not forget that it can be a fire hazard too.  A Wife should always be cleaning and sorting through the large amounts of stuff all families accumulate.  It is your job to keep your home neat and tidy.  One easy way I accomplish this is by donating something monthly.  Sometimes it's just one small bag and other times it's several large boxes.  Always keep a box labeled "donation" so as you are sorting and cleaning, you can simply dump it into the box.  
  • Toys should have a storage space that allows them to be out of
    Storage like this adds beauty to your home.
    You have kids, we get it.  But their stuff doesn't need to take over your home.  If you're like me and don't have the luxury of a playroom, then you need to find some excellent storage solutions.  You also need to teach your children to pick up after themselves.  The rule in my house is you can't get out a new toy until you put the first one away and for the most part- it works!
  • There should never be any dirty dishes in your kitchen sink.  Your kitchen should always be clean. Simply clean up after yourself each time you're in there.  You should also never have dirty dishes piled on your counters, crumbs everywhere or food splatters.  That's just gross.  The reality is that you won't want to cook or spend any time in your kitchen if it's a disgusting mess, so keep it sanitary!
  • Your dining table should be free of clutter and ready to serve
    A bowl of lemons is a simple &
     useful centerpiece
    the next meal.
     I keep my dining table free from my son's homeschool projects, in fact he does all his work at our kitchen bar or his desk because I don't want my table damaged.  I always have a beautiful centerpiece that rotates with the seasons.  Sometimes it may be flowers, sometimes it's candles or a big bowl of apples or lemons.  I match my place mats to the centerpiece to create an intentional decorative display.  A few simple touches like this will make your home appear more elegant and inviting.
  • The tv should never be on as "background noise".  Watch tv with purpose and when you are done, turn it off.  Besides the fact that most of it is just mindless crap- there's no need for extra noise in your home.  Encourage quiet and a peaceful atmosphere by simply turning your tv off.  You can also try putting on some soothing music or holiday songs.  This helps to create an inviting home.  And by the way, less noise equals less stress!  For holidays or special events I like to put on a little "mood music" to enhance the party atmosphere. 
  • Guest bathrooms should always be clean.  Accomplish this by doing a light cleaning every day.  Every other day is sufficient if it doesn't get used often.  If you have a large family and your guest bathrooms get used frequently throughout the day, consider a twice daily quick clean.  I have a small downstairs bath and it is the MOST used bathroom in our house.  I clean it every day.  I also make sure to keep it stocked with toilet paper, soaps and nice candles.  You should also take care to have a nice towel in your guest bath.  During the holidays, I have a themed towel to match the season.  At other times of the year, I have a clean monogrammed towel.  These small touches set the tone for your entire home.
  • Personalize your home and make it an inviting place for friends and family.  Decorate in a clean and simple manner.  Do not fall prey to trends.  Your home
    Use candles or flowers for easy
    seasonal decor
    should reflect your entire family- you, husband, kids and pets.  Include lots of family photos and special family heirlooms.  
  • Rotate your decor with the seasons.  This helps build tradition and special memories for your family.  One easy way that I do this is by simply changing out the candles in my candles sticks.  For Fall I have beautiful rust orange candles, Winter I have deep red and Spring and Summer are a nice bright white.  You can do with with flowers and centerpieces too!
  • Bake weekly and keep your baked goods on display so your
    Display baked goods in glass cake stands.
    Also doubles as beautiful & simple decor!
    family will be encouraged to eat them.  
    Freshly baked goods simply screams "home".  I bake something different every week.  Sometimes it's cupcakes other week's it might be blueberry muffins or coffee cake. I like to put my baked goods in a glass cake dome on my china buffet- I use it as decor!  Plus, baking at home is healthier for you and saves you money!
  • Keep a well stocked liquor cabinet.  A good hostess always has a large variety of beverages and cocktails to offer to her guests.  You should also consider keeping easy to serve foods available should you have unexpected guests.  My favorite items to keep on hand are nuts, fresh fruit and cheese.  Super easy to make a small snack platter to welcome your friends and family!
  • Do something fun and out of the ordinary at least once per month.  I love to surprise my family with a picnic in the backyard, popcorn & movies in our PJ's after dinner, chocolate fondue for dessert or even one of my son's favorites- dinner in the dark, which is basically just dinner by candlelight.  Take opportunities to make the ordinary extraordinary!  It is your job as Wife and Mother to give your family these wonderful moments in your home.
And my number #1 guideline-

Always pretend that you will have unexpected visitors at any moment.  Is your home clean?  A sink full of dirty dishes?  No food in the house?  Toys all over the floor?  Still in your PJ's?  Seriously...if you were to have someone stop by unexpectedly would you be embarrassed as to the condition of your home?  Or would you be proud to invite them in and offer them a drink?  By simply following the guidelines outlined above, you will be "visitor ready" at all times!

Want to read more about being a Traditional Housewife?

Marriage- A Traditional Housewife
How a Traditional Housewife Can Support Her Husband
The UNpopular Guidelines We Follow
Marriage- The Good Wife's Guide

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