
Friday, September 27, 2013

I Don't Believe in Daycare

There.  I said it.

I simply don't believe in a traditional daycare.  There is no need for it and I tend to view them as little germ factories for sad children with overly busy parents.  Oh boy, I've really stepped in it now....

So here's why I don't believe in daycare.

  • High turnover rate in staff.  The kids can't become attached to a certain caregiver because many times that person leaves or moves onto another "classroom".
  • Unexperienced Staff.  Many times these daycares are full of teenagers fresh from high school graduation.  Sure they may have a few hours of STARS certification under their belt but as for "real world" experience, nope.  BTW- now you can complete your STARS training online.  You never even need to train with real, actual children!
  • Cleanliness.  Germs, germs and more germs.  Sure they try their best to keep things as clean as possible but lets face it- with that many children in one space, there's going to be germs.  And lots of them!
  • Rules.  Ohh how I hate following the rules sometimes.  Sign in, sign out.  Five minutes late picking up, that's going to cost you!  No visiting during the day, no early pickups.  No peanut butter, no homemade cookies.  And the list goes on and on....Daycare is a business and it's run like a business.  No thanks, I'll pass!
  • Strangers are helping to raise your children.  And this my friends is the #1 reason why I do not like daycares.  Exactly who are these people who are around your kids all day?  Yes, they may have passed a background check but sometimes that simply means they just haven't been caught yet.  And yes, they might be perfectly nice but how do they feel about attachment parenting?  Discipline?  Organic foods?  Extended breast feeding?  Co-sleeping?  You get my point here.  These people are caring for your kids for at least 9 hours per day.  Who the hell are they?!?
Alright, so we've established why I think daycares are a bad idea.  So what's a working parent to do?  Well, if you've read any of my blog posts, you'll know that I am a working Mom.  I have always been a working Mom and don't see that changing anytime soon.  Mainly because we need my income.

So here's some alternatives to a traditional daycare.
  • Find a local stay at home Mom to babysit for you.  Better yet, find another working Mom to trade babysitting duties with.
  • Nanny share.
  • Ask family or friends for help.
  • Work from home.  Arrange to telecommute if possible.
  • Change your work schedule.  Four, 10 hour days. Overnight shift. Weekends etc.
  • Find a great in home daycare.  Many are run by stay at home Moms and are a much better alternative to traditional daycare.
  • Start your own business.
  • Find jobs where you can take your kids with you.  Become a nanny, work for a church nursery or local MOPS group.
As a working Mom, I have done every single thing on this list. 

I had a part time job working Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays while my husband stayed home with William.  When William was older, I worked part time in Human Resources & took him with me, I helped in my family's business, asked my family for help with childcare and even had a friend/neighbor care for William on the one day per week that we weren't able to switch shifts.  Now I work part time from home doing customer service.  We made it work.  And we've been making it work for over 7 years now.

And now that my son is school age- I could very easily enroll him in public school and go back to work full time.  But here's the crux of the problem....we view public school very much like daycare.  All those points I made about daycare being undesirable still apply to public school.  So tell me, why would I enroll him now?  But that's a whole other post for another day.....

Now I fully understand that this statement is bold.  You don't BELIEVE in daycare?  Say what?!?  And I know it will most likely offend some.  I'm sorry.  That's not my intention.  Daycare may work out perfectly well for some families.  And if you don't have friends or family close by to help you- I can understand why many parents would turn to daycare.  

But here's my issue with that- If you have children you need to be prepared to make life changes for them.  This includes staying home with them, changing work shifts, never having a day off with your spouse, working part time instead of full time etc.  Your children are your most important work and you should treat them as such.  

It is possible to work and raise your children without having to ship them off to a traditional daycare.  I am proof of this.  If we can do it, so can you!

Monday, September 23, 2013

I am an AWESOME Mom!

I am an awesome Mom.

Oh My Lord- did she just say she was awesome?  Umm...hells yeah!  I'm not perfect.  I'm not the best.  But I'm still the shit.  What about you?

Say it out loud.  I am awesome.  Just let that thought settle in your mind.  Here- let's say it again...


Holy crap- are you ok?  Did you survive that positive parenting statement?  No guilt trip trailing behind you? No wallowing in self doubt?  Let's not forget the pity party....

Seriously Moms- what are we doing to ourselves?  I'm not even going to discuss the damage we spew on other Moms, I'll save that for another day.  I'm only concerned about myself right now and you should be too!

We put way too much pressure on ourselves.  And for what exactly?  Some picture perfect ideal that society and crazed sleep deprived fellow Moms dream up.  Ridiculous!

Personally, I don't see anything wrong with a little positive reinforcement.

I am an awesome Mom.

Yes, I buy my kid stuff.  He's got way too many Legos, a really nice "designer" backpack and more markers and art stuff then he'll ever use.  Yes, I feed him good healthy organic foods.  Yes, I shuttle his behind to soccer practice, school, swim lessons, playdates etc.  But none of that crap really matters.  Any idiot can buy stuff and drive the kids around.

Here's why I'm the

I love my son.
He loves me.

And there you have it.

So give yourself permission to relax.  You are enough.  You do enough.  And years from now, your kids won't really care that you shuttled them to hell and back ie. soccer practice in the winter in the Pacific NW.  Or that you bought them designer underwear to match their designer sunglasses.  Oh puh-leeze.

What matters is that you laughed with them, held them, tickled them and comforted them.  You were a loving  and constant presence in their life.  And that's why you're awesome too!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Do You Have a Car BOB?

My husband and I believe in being prepared.

We know bad things happen.  Especially to those who are not prepared for it!  And since September is National Prepardness Month, I thought it would be a great time to share with you all one of our emergency prep items.

 The Car BOB.

This is why you need a Car BOB!
A what?!?  A Car Bug Out Bag.  Silly name I's also referred to as a GOOD Bag (Get Out of Dodge) or a 72 Hour Car Kit or a Get Home Bag.  We call it our Car BOB because my son thinks the name is silly and it's easy for him to remember.

What's a Car BOB for?  Well, what if you get lost on your picnic in the woods?  Take a wrong turn on that mountain pass.  Or let's imagine you are driving home from work and a massive snow storm hits. The freeways become parking lots and folks are literally stuck in their cars all night long- some even decide to trek the 20 miles home and literally abandon their cars on the freeway.  Don't think this can happen?  Think again!  It can and it did!  This happened in my hometown just a few years ago.  It was insane.

Now, had this happened to my family I know we would have been fine.  Thanks Car BOB!

So here's what I keep in my Car BOB year round.  I also rotate the food items in here every 6 months and add fresh water since we usually end up drinking a bottle or two.  It's important to note that my Car BOB is designed for my family of 3 and our 2 dogs.

Spare tire (kept under car)                        
Jumper Cables
Tire Inflation Kit
Screwdriver & other basic hand tools
Buy an Emergency Car Kit to get you started!
2 Flashlights with extra batteries
Maps of my state and the closest 3 states to me
Basic 1st Aid Kit
Large Wool Blanket
1 Emergency Mylar Blanket
1 Poncho
1 Bandanna
1 pair Work Gloves
4 Matchbooks
2 Large Heavy Duty Plastic Bags
2 packages Hand Warmers
Small radio with extra batteries
1 travel size bottle of Hand Sanitizer
1 travel size bottle of Tylenol
8 water bottles
6 organic fig bars
6 boxes raisins
1 package beef jerky
3 cans soup
1 large can dog food
1 ziploc bag of dry dog food
Pocket Knife
$20 cash in ziploc bag

Once November hits, we usually throw in our tire chains and keep those in the back of our SUV until about April.  We also strive to keep the gas tank 1/2 full during the colder months, just in case.

Keep everything you need in one easy bag
The basic hand tools are stored in a hidden side compartment in the back of our SUV.  The rest of the items are kept in a small rolling suitcase.  The idea is that if we needed to abandon the vehicle, we could easily bring the Car BOB with us.

I also always keep extra hand sanitizer, handful of napkins (can double as toilet paper), dental floss, extra sunglasses, eye glass repair kit, Sharpie markers, car cell phone charger, straws & plastic silverware in my glove box.  You would be surprised how often we use these!

I know that I still have some work to do on my Car BOB.  I would like to add some extra clothing items and perhaps and extra pair of old tennis shoes for each of us.  I also think it's a good idea to keep extra gas in the car as well as keeping the tank 1/2 full, so I will discuss that with my husband to see what he thinks.  I also need to buy a LifeHammer to keep in the front of the car.  So it's still very much a work in progress.

But in general, everything I need for myself and my family is nicely tucked away in this small little suitcase.  I have enough food and water to last 3 days.  I have emergency cash tucked away just in case ATM machines aren't working.  I have actual maps in case the GPS is down.   And the best part is that it barely takes up any room in the back of my SUV!  And it makes me feel a whole lot better when I'm on the road!

As the colder weather approaches, I highly recommend you put together a small emergency kit for your family car.  It is always better to be safe then sorry!

**Click this link for some additional reading on how to make your Car BOB.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Top 10 Reasons Homeschool Moms Could Rule the Rule

1.  Multi tasking is the name of the game.  A homeschool Mom can teach a spelling lesson, fold laundry, prep dinner AND do it all with a newborn attached to her boob.  Frankly, with this level of skills she should be running Microsoft.

2.  She takes over protective to new heights.  Allow the kids to go to public school where their minds and bodies could be at risk?  Never!

3.   She is super smart.  As in super duper smart.  She spends all her free time learning each subject so that she can teach it to her children.  She tackles algebra with ease and can teach a 4 year old to read.  She is wise beyond her years and has much to teach the world, if only they will sit down and focus for 10 freakin minutes!

4.  People tend to think she's a little crazy.  Mumbling to herself, glazed look in her eyes and talks of smooching with the principal.  Yeah- she's a little weird.  This craziness can put the fear of God in some folks- watch out, homeschool Mom approaching.

5.  She never takes a sick day.  Never.

6.  There may be dead animals in her freezer, butterfly's growing in her dining room and an ant colony in the backyard.  To a homeschool Mom- this is just another science lesson.  She's not afraid to tackle the gross things in life.

7.  She can accomplish anything after a second cup of coffee.

8.  She is great at making decisions.  She can look to the future and choose a great curriculum- Abeka or Saxon anyone?  She can make spur of the moment decisions- take the day off & go to the waterpark!  The tedious and sometime boring decisions are also done with ease- what's for dinner tonight Mom?

9.  She knows more about education then most teachers do.  Common Core- no thanks.  Want to know more about Charlotte Mason?  And for the love of God, what is unschooling?  Want to really see her shine?  Ask a homeschool Mom about socialization.  Go ahead, I dare you.

10.  There is nothing that is more important then her family.  Every single decision, every move she makes is for the benefit of her home and her family.  Can you say the same about our President or our government?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

You Could Open a Restaurant Taquitos

Serve w/sour cream, avocado & tomatoes.  Side of fresh fruit.
That's what my son said after just one bite.  "You could open a restaurant with these Mom".  Now that's kid approved if I ever heard it!  With just 3 simple steps and baked in the oven- it couldn't be any easier!

So without further ado, here's the recipe.

You Could Open a Restaurant Taquitos

8-10 flour tortillas, soft taco size
1 can black beans, drained
1-2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
1/2 cup salsa
1/4 cup sour cream
1/2 teaspoon cumin

Step #1:  Mix all ingredients in a bowl.  Start with 1 cup cheese, add more if you like them cheesier.

Step #2:  Place 1 large spoonful on each tortilla & roll up.  Place rolled side down on a greased baking sheet.  Depending on the amount of filling you put in each tortilla you will end up with 8-10 taquitos.  I had 9.
Steps 1 & 2
Step 3

Step #3:  Bake at 350 for approximately 20 minutes.  Turn oven to broil & watch carefully.  You want to slightly brown the taquitos.

Serve with sour cream, salsa, avocado, tomato- whatever you desire!  Yum!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Super Simple Broccoli Cheddar Soup

I love soup.

It's easy to make, filling, freezes beautifully and usually pretty cost effective.  Soup is awesome! And now that we are heading back into Fall- soup season is officially back.  WooHoo!!

Here's one of our favorites, Broccoli Cheddar.  Really, who doesn't love Broccoli Cheddar Soup?!?  This recipe is low in fat, full of veggies and kid approved.  Now that's awesome!
Add your veggies to your broth!

Super Simple Broccoli Cheddar Soup

2 Tablespoons butter
2 Tablespoons flour
4 cups chicken broth
2 cups milk
3, 8oz packages frozen or fresh broccoli
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
1 large carrot, grated
fresh black pepper
heavy cream- optional

Melt your butter and then add the flour to create a paste, this is called a Roux.  When your Roux thickens a little, start to slowly add your chicken broth and milk.  Go slowly and allow this to thicken & bubble.  Be careful not to scald the milk!

Now slowly add your shredded cheddar cheese.  Make sure you find one that melts easily and doesn't clump.  For this reason, we never use Tillamook, which is usually the brand I buy most often.  Instead, I like to use Open Nature from Safeway.  It's made without any antibiotics or cows treated with RBST.  And it melts beautifully!  By the way- I usually add about 1 1/2 cups of cheese and save the rest to sprinkle on top when served.  You can also add more cheese if you like it cheesier- totally up to you!

Blend & add your last bag of broccoli
Once your cheese has melted, add 2 bags of broccoli.  If it's frozen, no need to thaw or cook first- it will cook in your broth.  Add your shredded carrot and fresh cracked black pepper.  I usually do about 1 tsp pepper- just give it a taste test.

Simmer on low for about 20 minutes.

Get out your Immersion Blender and blend all those broccoli chunks.  Now add your 3rd bag of broccoli and simmer for another 20 minutes.  I like to finish the soup with about 1/2 cup of half & half or heavy cream.  Gives it a nice rich flavor without so many extra calories!

Serve with grated cheddar cheese and a yummy roll.  Perfection!

*PS- don't add any salt!  The soup will be salty enough with the cheddar cheese.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Who is the Homeschooled Housewife?

Homeschooled Housewife is growing!  Yay!  You like me, you really, really like me!

We are developing quite the following on our Facebook page.  We just hit 300 likes and see nothing but growth in the future.  Awesome.

So I figured a brief refresher on who Homeschooled Housewife is, might be nice.  No?

My name is Chrissie.  I am 32 years old, been in a committed relationship with my husband for over 13 years and we are soon to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary.  Go Us!  We have one son who is 8 years old, William and he is homeschooled.  While William does attend a homeschool program through our local school  district two days per week, the majority of his learning happens at home.  With me.

We are eclectic homeschoolers..  Which simply means that I pull William's curriculum from many different places.  We also embrace the unschooling method of homeschooling and try and relax and encourage unschooling to happen.  Easier said then done sometimes.

Our beloved Rat Terriers are also a HUGE part of our family.  Lucky Dog is 13 and Buddy Boy is almost 2.  We love them very much.  You will often see me posting about "My Boys" or see pictures of all their funny antics.  They are adorable and we love them insanely.

Just as homeschooling is a way of life for us, so is my being a housewife.  My husband and I firmly believe that our traditional marriage is the best one for us and we value a woman's place in the home.  You can check out my series about traditional marriage by clicking here.

Another issue that is very important to us is our food.  We eat mainly organic, non-processed foods.  We also try to keep most our meals vegetarian, made from scratch and are working our ways towards a much healthier lifestyle.  Chemicals and toxins have no place in our food, our bodies or our homes.  I will post about this often.

On a more personal note- I work part time from home.  I have always worked and homeschooled in some capacity.  We have never had the luxury of my being a full time stay at home Mom.  However, my priority has always been to fit my work around my family.  I am NOT a career woman- I work to help pay the bills. If there every comes a time when we no longer need to me help out, you best believe that I'm outta here!

I also enjoy reading, coffee, couponing, baking and cooking.  I am happiest with a steamy romance novel and a cup of strong coffee.  Oh- and I like Disney.  I'm kind of a freak about it but don't tell anyone....

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

10 Things I Would Tell My Newlywed Self

My husband and I will be celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary in 2 months.

Hard to believe it's been 10 years!  We just celebrated 13 years together this last June.  So I have to say, I think we are pretty awesome.  Go Us!

My marriage isn't perfect.  Show me one that is, right?  But there are a few things that we strive to follow.  They have greatly helped to strengthen our marriage.  I sure wish someone would have told me all this 10 years ago!

  1. Listen to each other.  Shut your mouth and just listen.  Support your spouse every way that you can and build each other up instead of tearing each other down.
  2. Be affectionate and keep it sexy.  Hold hands, kiss, touch each other.  Even if you are not newlyweds, you can still act like you are!  Physical intimacy is super important to a marriage.  Take care not to let it slide.
  3. Be respectful.  You will not always get along.  How you handle your fights and conflict will determine if you last as a couple.  Fight with integrity.  Don't hit below the belt.  Treat each other with respect.  And remember you love each other.  Don't be talking shit about one another, to anyone!
  4. Do nice things for one another.  Love is given freely and without expectations.  Demonstrate your love by doing thoughtful things for each other.  Big, small- it doesn't matter.  It truly is the thought that counts.
  5. Don't keep score.  A marriage is not 50/50.  It is not 60/40.  It is 100/100.  You should always be giving your very best to the one you promised to spend eternity with.
  6. Let go of the little things.  Let go of the not so little things.  Relax and don't focus on the faults.  Does the husband throw his dirty socks everywhere but the hamper?  Does your wife cover the bathroom counter with makeup, q-tips and beauty products?  Who cares....if you woke up tomorrow and it was all gone, I bet you that you would miss it.  And them.
  7. Guard your relationship.  Crazy to think but there are people out there who want you to fail.  Many times those people are in your own family.  So be careful what you say and who you say it to.  Also be wary of who you let into your life as a couple.  Don't allow negative people to influence your relationship.
  8. Be each other's best friend.  It's important to like each other as well as loving one another.  Spend time together and learn to grow together as a couple.
  9. Make your spouse your #1 priority.  Above yourself and your kids.  Wake up each day with the intent to make their day great.  Their happiness, comfort and general well being should always be your top priority.  
  10. Divorce is NOT an option.  We've all had some rough patches.  Truth be told, we had our own rocky path after the birth of our son.  Nothing like a newborn to make you lose your shit.  Decide early on that you are in this relationship forever. Divorce is simply not part of your vocabulary.  If something is wrong, fix it.  Don't replace it.
So there you have it, 10 things every newly wed couple should know.  And truth be told, probably some of us not so newly wed folks!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Did Somebody Say....Veggie Fajitas?

I love this meal.  Simply love it!

It's easy to prep ahead of time.  Fairly inexpensive, tasty, vegetarian/vegan and it can all be cooked in one pot.  Seriously- what's NOT to love?

I strongly recommend you prep this in the AM to enjoy for dinner.  By allowing the veggies to marinate all the day in the fridge, it greatly enhances the flavors.

Homeschooled Housewife's Veggie Fajitas

4-6 bell peppers, I use as many colors as possible
2 large onions
1 head garlic
1 cup olive oil
3 Tablespoons chili powder
3 teaspoons cumin
1-2 teaspoons salt
fresh cracked black pepper

                                                                                                                    Slice your peppers & onions.  Dice the entire head of garlic.
                                                                                                  Combine veggies in a large ziploc bag with your spices and olive oil.  Mix around and then let it sit all day in the fridge.  The fridge does all the work for you!  Perfection!

When you're ready to cook it, simply dump the bag out into a fry pan and saute until veggies are translucent. No need to add any extra oil.  Although you may decide you want more spices- it's up to you!

I serve with warmed flour tortillas and sour cream.  I also make some beans to serve along side.

We eat this a few times per month.  It is unbelievably easy to make and I bet you'll find yourself making it often too!  This amount will feed a family of 4. However, I usually do 6-8 peppers so that I have some for leftovers.  It's even better the next day!


Reason # 1,857,139,268 why I love homeschooling!

Mt St Helens in Washington State
This past summer William became very interested in volcanoes.  I'm not really sure how it happened- there was probably a reading comprehension story in one of his workbooks about volcanoes.  Or perhaps he saw a tv show about them- who knows....

What I do know is that he had a sudden and strong interest in them.  So what's a homeschooling Mom to do?  UNIT STUDY!!!!!  That's what you were thinking, right?  Yep, pretty sure it was!

Bring on the YouTube videos, tv documentaries and books from the library.  William did a stencil & stamp art project with dinosaurs and volcanos and we even attempted to recreate a volcanic eruption at home with vinegar and baking soda.  What a mess that was!  Next week we will take a trip to the now dormant, Mt. St. Helens so he can see a real life volcano in person.  He's super excited!

 Can you visualize the learning that is happening here?  He's interested, he's engaged, he wants to learn!  And we are here to teach him.  I can literally drop everything (well, almost everything) and we can completely switch gears and focus totally on volcanos.  It's a complete study that encompasses science, geography, social studies, reading, writing- even art.

He is learning what he wants when he wants to learn it.  And that my friends, is reason #1,857,139,268 why I love homeschooling!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Day I Talked to my 8 yr old about Suicide

 "Mom, what's suicide?"

Me- It's when someone doesn't want to live anymore.

"Why would they not want to live anymore?"

Me- sometimes people get sad with their life and don't know how to be happy again. This causes them to make some bad choices.

"I hope I never get that sad"

Me- If you ever start to feel this way, come tell Mommy or Daddy. We can help you find your happiness again.

"Ok, but I'm pretty sure I will always be happy. I don't want to die, I would miss out on all the good stuff like trick or treating, Disneyland and opening presents on Christmas"

 I hope that I will always have the answers to his questions and I pray that he will always, always come to me to give him those answers.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Organic Groceries Week #3

Well here we are, week #3.

This week I shopped at 3 different places.  Safeway near my home, PCC for meat and the local Farmer's Market.  Sadly the Farmer's Market was winding down for the summer so pickings were slim.  But since I mainly went there for honey & the honey man was there- I was happy!

I spent $113.49 at Safeway.  The Farmer's Market was $27 and PCC came in at $53.17.  My grand total this week was $193.66.  Not bad considering how much meat I bought!

Alright, you know the drill.  Left to right- here it goes!

  • 1 bag organic green grapes
  • 1 lb Organic Valley butter
  • 1 box Van's waffles
  • 1 box Applegate Farms turkey sausage
  • 2 cans O Organics diced tomatoes
  • 2 boxes MorningStar Farms Chik N Nuggets
  • 1 package paper napkins
  • Mission brand tortillas- BOO! I forgot to buy some better ones from PCC.
  • 2 organic nectarines
  • 2 organic avocados
  • 2 organic kiwis
  • 1 bag w/3 cloves organic garlic
  • 2 organic tomatoes
  • 1 jar O Organics yellow mustard
  • 2 organic red bell peppers
  • 1 organic green bell pepper
  • 2 organic yellow bell peppers
  • 1 organic orange bell pepper
  • 2 packages Rising Moon organic ravioli 
  • 1 loaf Open Nature bread
  • Sparkle paper towels
  • MD toilet paper
  • 1 large container O Organics vanilla yogurt
  • 2 pints Tillamook ice cream
  • 1 pint Alden's ice cream
  • 1 container O Organics sour cream
  • 1 package Applegate Farms beef hot dogs
  • 1 package chicken thighs- for the dogs!
  • 1 bag  Angie's Boom Chicka Pop Popcorn
  • 1 bag Angie's Kettle Corn
  • 1 bag organic fingerling potatoes
  • 5 organic gala apples
  • 1 dishsoap
  • 3 lbs organic, grass fed tri tip steak from PCC
  • 1 jar local organic lavendar honey
  • 1 lb beef patties from the local farm, Blue Valley Meats
  • *not pictured, 2 lbs organic, grass fed ground beef from PCC
I bought the local beef patties and the lavendar honey at the Farmer's Market.  I have been looking into buying a 1/2 cow from a local farm except I want to try a sample before committing SO much money to a product I may not like.  Makes sense, right?  So lucky me, a very nice lady from the Blue Valley farm was set up at the market today.  Here's hoping we like the beef patties!

I try and always buy local organic honey.  It is SO good for you and a real boost to your immune system.  Plus I really like supporting the local guys!

I bought the ravioli and 3 lbs of steak meat at PCC.  We also at lunch there- YUM!

Everything else came from Safeway.  And this week William picked out a new ice cream, the Alden's brand to try.  You'll also notice that I had some toiletries in this weeks shopping.  I always include things like toothpaste, dish soap, toilet paper, laundry soap, deoderant etc in my weekly shopping budget.

So there you have it.  Now on to week #4!

And if you want to go back and see what Week #2 looked like, click here.

Nothing beats local organic honey!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

A Look Back at Summer

 Hard to believe it's Fall already.  Weren't we just baking a cake for America's birthday?  But here it is, school is officially back in session for the local kids, the weather is getting colder, soccer season has begun, yep- summer's over!

So I thought a recap of what we did this summer would be a fun way to welcome in Fall.

This summer I got a job.  As in a real job- a jobby job.  BTW- that's my term for anything that actually pays me money to work.  So this June, I started said Jobby Job and it definetly impacted our summer since I had to be home Monday thru Friday during normal business hours.

But I didn't let that stop me!  I was able to take a few mornings and afternoons off and so we managed to still do some fun things during the week.

We followed this great summer schedule from Pinterest.  This truly helped me stay organized and motivated.  I highly recommend adopting something as simple as this for some summertime fun!

We went to several of the $1 Summer Movies offered through Regal Cinemas, we found a new arcade game place near our house and visited a few times, we went to the Farmer's Market, the outdoor water splash area, the local bouncy house facility, participated in the free summer library programs, released our pet bass, visited the indoor trampoline place.  We went to birthday parties, participated in the FREE Lowes Build and Grow Kids Clinics rang in America's birthday in style, took William to his very 1st baseball game at a ballpark, made crafts and built a robot.  Oh yeah- and we homeschooled!
We went to the FREE summer library programs

Arts & Crafts!

William built a robot with Daddy

William's very 1st trip to the ballpark
$1 Summer Movies

We released our pet bass
Water Fun!

Bouncy Fun!

Free play, knights w/swords


Next week we will celebrate the 1st official week back to school for William with a weekend trip to visit Mt. St. Helens.  William has become obsessed this summer with volcanos and this will be our final summer hurrah.

I'd say we've had a pretty successful summer!  How about you?

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Homeschooled Housewife's Personal Homeschool Truths

Public school is back in session this week in my hometown.  And as a result I've been posting a few engaging things over on my Homeschooled Housewife Facebook page.  Whew, nothing like the age old homeschool vs public school debate.  Love it!

In response to these recent conversations, I posted what I like to call, our personal homeschool truths on my Facebook page.  I think it's worth repeating here on my blog.  It's good.  Here you go.

  • We believe that homeschooling is the best choice for us.
  • We reserve the right to change our minds.
  • We are saddened that many parents don't know they have options when it comes to education.
  • We respect other's decisions.
  • We encourage other's to consider homeschooling.
  • We believe homeschooling educates the whole child.

My husband and I truly believe in the above statements.  What works for some doesn't work for all.  Respect is key- no matter what your decision.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

The PERFECT Strawberry Banana Smoothie

This morning I made a gorgeous fruit, yogurt and granola parfait for my dear William boy.  He loves these and I love them because they are super easy to make, healthy and filling.

So wouldn't you know it, as soon as I finished making the parfait- he suddenly decides he no longer likes "sundaes" as he calls them.  Really?!?  Ugh.  Don't you just love when kids do that!

Alright fine.  Shredded wheat it is then and I put the "sundae" back in the fridge hoping he might eat it later.  Bwahhaha....what was I thinking!!  Clearly I forgot who's child I was dealing with here.

Afternoon snack time rolls around and William wants a snack.  Crap, I still have this "sundae" sitting in the fridge! about I stick it in the blender with a little milk and make a smoothie?  Genius!!

So in goes the parfait, a little milk and a little more yogurt.  Perfection!  Necessity is the mother of invention, right?  Now I've just created the most awesome strawberry banana smoothie.  It tastes exactly like those little yogurt smoothie drinks I sometimes buy for William- organic of course.

So here's how I did it.

Homeschooled Housewife's Strawberry Banana Smoothie

1 cup plain or vanilla yogurt
5 small to medium sized strawberries
1/2 banana
1/2 cup granola
1/4 cup to 1/2 cup milk- depending on your consistency preference

Blend it all in your blender and serve.  Yummy!