
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

10 Things I Would Tell My Newlywed Self

My husband and I will be celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary in 2 months.

Hard to believe it's been 10 years!  We just celebrated 13 years together this last June.  So I have to say, I think we are pretty awesome.  Go Us!

My marriage isn't perfect.  Show me one that is, right?  But there are a few things that we strive to follow.  They have greatly helped to strengthen our marriage.  I sure wish someone would have told me all this 10 years ago!

  1. Listen to each other.  Shut your mouth and just listen.  Support your spouse every way that you can and build each other up instead of tearing each other down.
  2. Be affectionate and keep it sexy.  Hold hands, kiss, touch each other.  Even if you are not newlyweds, you can still act like you are!  Physical intimacy is super important to a marriage.  Take care not to let it slide.
  3. Be respectful.  You will not always get along.  How you handle your fights and conflict will determine if you last as a couple.  Fight with integrity.  Don't hit below the belt.  Treat each other with respect.  And remember you love each other.  Don't be talking shit about one another, to anyone!
  4. Do nice things for one another.  Love is given freely and without expectations.  Demonstrate your love by doing thoughtful things for each other.  Big, small- it doesn't matter.  It truly is the thought that counts.
  5. Don't keep score.  A marriage is not 50/50.  It is not 60/40.  It is 100/100.  You should always be giving your very best to the one you promised to spend eternity with.
  6. Let go of the little things.  Let go of the not so little things.  Relax and don't focus on the faults.  Does the husband throw his dirty socks everywhere but the hamper?  Does your wife cover the bathroom counter with makeup, q-tips and beauty products?  Who cares....if you woke up tomorrow and it was all gone, I bet you that you would miss it.  And them.
  7. Guard your relationship.  Crazy to think but there are people out there who want you to fail.  Many times those people are in your own family.  So be careful what you say and who you say it to.  Also be wary of who you let into your life as a couple.  Don't allow negative people to influence your relationship.
  8. Be each other's best friend.  It's important to like each other as well as loving one another.  Spend time together and learn to grow together as a couple.
  9. Make your spouse your #1 priority.  Above yourself and your kids.  Wake up each day with the intent to make their day great.  Their happiness, comfort and general well being should always be your top priority.  
  10. Divorce is NOT an option.  We've all had some rough patches.  Truth be told, we had our own rocky path after the birth of our son.  Nothing like a newborn to make you lose your shit.  Decide early on that you are in this relationship forever. Divorce is simply not part of your vocabulary.  If something is wrong, fix it.  Don't replace it.
So there you have it, 10 things every newly wed couple should know.  And truth be told, probably some of us not so newly wed folks!

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