
Monday, September 16, 2013

Who is the Homeschooled Housewife?

Homeschooled Housewife is growing!  Yay!  You like me, you really, really like me!

We are developing quite the following on our Facebook page.  We just hit 300 likes and see nothing but growth in the future.  Awesome.

So I figured a brief refresher on who Homeschooled Housewife is, might be nice.  No?

My name is Chrissie.  I am 32 years old, been in a committed relationship with my husband for over 13 years and we are soon to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary.  Go Us!  We have one son who is 8 years old, William and he is homeschooled.  While William does attend a homeschool program through our local school  district two days per week, the majority of his learning happens at home.  With me.

We are eclectic homeschoolers..  Which simply means that I pull William's curriculum from many different places.  We also embrace the unschooling method of homeschooling and try and relax and encourage unschooling to happen.  Easier said then done sometimes.

Our beloved Rat Terriers are also a HUGE part of our family.  Lucky Dog is 13 and Buddy Boy is almost 2.  We love them very much.  You will often see me posting about "My Boys" or see pictures of all their funny antics.  They are adorable and we love them insanely.

Just as homeschooling is a way of life for us, so is my being a housewife.  My husband and I firmly believe that our traditional marriage is the best one for us and we value a woman's place in the home.  You can check out my series about traditional marriage by clicking here.

Another issue that is very important to us is our food.  We eat mainly organic, non-processed foods.  We also try to keep most our meals vegetarian, made from scratch and are working our ways towards a much healthier lifestyle.  Chemicals and toxins have no place in our food, our bodies or our homes.  I will post about this often.

On a more personal note- I work part time from home.  I have always worked and homeschooled in some capacity.  We have never had the luxury of my being a full time stay at home Mom.  However, my priority has always been to fit my work around my family.  I am NOT a career woman- I work to help pay the bills. If there every comes a time when we no longer need to me help out, you best believe that I'm outta here!

I also enjoy reading, coffee, couponing, baking and cooking.  I am happiest with a steamy romance novel and a cup of strong coffee.  Oh- and I like Disney.  I'm kind of a freak about it but don't tell anyone....

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