
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Update: The Good Wife's Guide

I am in love with the 1950's and 1960's.  Seriously, the husband and I joke all the time that we were clearly both born in the wrong decade because we both posess old souls.  There's just something so calm and simple about that time.  I'm not saying everything was perfect, but it was most definitely a different time.

I've posted a bit about our traditional marriage and even went on to discuss a bit about the old version of the Good Wife's Guide, circa 1955.    I thought it might be fun to put together a guide for today's modern, traditional wife- like me!

The Good Wife's Guide 2015

Put on real clothes in the morning.  Even if all you do is take off the PJ's and put on the yoga pants, just do it.  Brush your teeth, wash your face and comb your hair.

Get up first and make your home a warm and inviting place.  Open the curtains, turn on some lights, light a candle or two and then start breakfast for your family.  

Send your husband to work fed and happy.  And don't forget to pack him a lunch.

Keep an eye on the clutter throughout the day.  Don't leave trash or dirty dishes lying around but rather adopt a "clean as you go" attitude to ensure your home is always looking it's best.  

Set up a weekly chore/task list.

Plan your day so that nothing is forgotten.  Try to follow a daily routine so that your family knows what to expect and to help establish boundaries.

Make dinner.  Every night.  From scratch.

Always welcome your husband home with hugs and kisses.  Even if you're upset, just jump that man as soon as he walks in the door.

Establish couple time.  Strict bedtimes are your best friend- get those kids to bed and then cuddle with your husband.  Better yet, have sex with him.  Lots of it.

Always have freshly baked goodies on display.

Take care of everything you are physically able to so that your husband has more time to enjoy his time at home with his family.  Do all the shopping, take the kids to their appointments/practices, household chores, pets etc.  

Always wear fabulous shoes, carry a great purse and have your nails done.  If you have these 3 things, you will always look put together even when you don't feel like you are.

Do not call your husband during the day just to complain and do not greet him at the door with your frustrations and upset.  Give him time to unwind and then try to discuss things.

Always have your husband's favorite beverage on hand and a few snacks or things they enjoy.

Don't talk bad about your husband to anyone.  Ever.

Take pride in yourself.  If you think you're sexy, your husband will too.  Allow yourself some down time, be mindful of your appearance and do things that nurture your soul.

So there you have it.  Today's guide for the modern, traditional wife.  Want to read more?  

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