
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

So that happened last night....

Anyone else wake up with a massive headache and feeling just a bit bruised and battered after last night's election?

I'll just come right out and say it- that did NOT go how I was expecting.  I was fully prepared for Hillary to win.  Because the alternative?  Umm...yeah.  And before anyone starts blasting me for supporting either of them, let me be clear-

They both suck.

But I legit thought Hillary would take it, if for nothing else beyond that fact that she's a career politician and a woman.  Regardless of how we all feel about her, I know many of my friends and family who voted for her simply because they could cast a vote for the very 1st female President.

And now we are left with a country of people wondering how in the world we have a Donald for President.

In speaking with the husband this morning, we honestly felt that it came down to one big point.  Our country is FED UP.  We are so sick of the BS that is being forced upon us and frustrated over the lack of an honest leader that we are willing to swing the complete opposite of anything being presented to us.

The complete opposite.

So here we are.  Left with a horrible human being (but hey- at least we know he's morally corrupt right?) who has literally NO experience because we simply couldn't bring ourselves to vote for the establishment yet again.


The feelings are strong this morning.  For all of us.

I want to encourage all of you to speak with your children about this election and it's outcome.  Really speak to them.  Let's try to move past the feelings and find the facts.  Let's teach our children that no matter who you voted for, at the end of the day we should still be kind and respectful towards each other.  We need to show our children how to move forward with hearts open for acceptance and love.

A lot will change in the next four years.  Of this, we can be certain.  But what happens in your home is what will have the biggest impact on them.  Model love.  Model kindness.  Model respect.

United We Stand.  Divided We Fall.

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