
Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Election Day

Well here it is- Election Day.


I have steadfastly been sticking my head in the sand since April.  How is this possible that out of millions billions of people in our country- these two are our only choices?  For reals?  What happened here folks?  Truth be told- I honestly thought Trump would be like, "oops never mind" and Hillary would be....well...yeah.

But here we are.

As a homeschooling Mom, you best believe we've used this epic election as some valuable learning tools.  We have been talking about this awful thing since summer it would seem and recently we began teaching the kiddo the mechanics behind an election.  You know- the boring stuff that elections are made up of- the three branches of government, electoral votes, house/senate and yada

I'm trying here folks.

In every thing we can learn something.  I believe in this wholeheartedly but what I don't believe in is this ridiculous government we've got now.  Blech.  How in the world did this happen?!?

So today as we mark a passage in time, I want to share a recent conversation that I had with the kiddo regarding our two wonderful candidates.  I did share it over on the the Facebook page, so if you aren't already there- you NEED to be my friend.

My hope is that more folks will realize there are other options beyond the two we see on TV.  Umm....hello?  There was like 7 candidates on the ballot and truth be told, it just plain sucks that the majority of voters had only ever heard of two.  While it's most likely too late for this election, it's not too late for the next one.  In four long years....

You do NOT have to pick between the lesser of two evils.  
You do NOT need to "sit out" from voting.  
Your vote WILL always matter.  
A vote for a 3rd party is a vote AGAINST another party.  
There is NO wasted vote.

So please y'all....get your vote on!  For whichever candidate you choose, just get out there and make your voice heard.

And as promised, below is the conversation I shared last month.  Good stuff right there mmkay...

Convos In the Car:
Kiddo- Mom, I like watching the debates. I like to actually try to listen to both sides when they are talking about stuff. You know...from their point of view & not just agree with what Dad has to say about it.
Me- That's part of why we have debates, so you can try to hear opposing viewpoints on the same subject. When they aren't screaming & behaving crazy that is....
Kiddo- I still don't like Hillary.
Me- Well, lots of people don't. But Trump isn't great either.
Kiddo- You just want Hillary.
Me- Not true. Let's say you are applying for the MOST important job in the world. A big job, with lots of let's imagine that you have literally NO experience. And what limited experience you do have within your own companies, were not at all successful. Now let's imagine you call everyone who disagrees with you horrible names & say bad things about at least half of the people you will be working for. Would you hire this person?
Kiddo- No.
Me- And now lets imagine that you have years of experience to help prepare you for this big job. You know all the important stuff & you can present yourself fairly well during your interviews. But let's just imagine that you haven't really accomplished all that much in the years you've been working towards this big job. And what little you have accomplished has come from sponging off others, making poor choices & behaving unethically. So while you might look good on your resume, your actions and behavior says something quite different. Would you hire this person?
Kiddo- Well probably not. What does this have to do with the debate?
Me- These people are Trump & Hillary.
Kiddo- I don't understand. How come we don't have better choices?
Me- Exactly child. How come we don't have better choices?

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