
Monday, March 28, 2016

When You Want to Go Veg- FIVE SIMPLE TIPS

Recently I have seen more and more folks reaching out to me with questions on food and healthy eating.  They want to eat less meat, they want to go vegetarian or full on vegan and are overwhelmed with where to start.  While I am NO expert and will NEVER claim to be, I have been travelling this path towards healthier, more plant based eating with a meat and potatoes lovin' husband and a picky child, for quite some time now and I've learned some very valuable things.

So how do you do this?  Where do you start?  Dearest Homeschooled Housewife, what advice and tips can you offer me?

Yay! I'm SO glad you've asked.  Here's the response that I've been giving to almost everyone who asks me these questions.

#1- Start small and go slow.  This is HARD and it's all about slow and steady to win this journey.  Don't feel bad if you have a day or two that didn't go as planned and seriously- don't put too much stress and pressure on this.  Focus on one night each week being completely meat free and slowly increase this over time.

#2- Eat more fruits and veggies.  Even if you ultimately decide not to give up meat- you simply need to be eating your fruits and vegetables.  Find ways to get them to your dining table and into your bodies!  Replace the junk food with sides of fruit and put the dark leafy greens in your smoothies.  Super easy! 

#3- If you want to go vegan, start by going vegetarian first.  Nothing kills good intentions quite like biting of more than you can chew.  And in case you didn't know this already- being Vegan takes WORK.  

#4- Stay away from fake foods.  So many people replace real meat with processed vegetarian or vegan foods instead of simply making it themselves.  Want to eat a burger?  Do not rush out a buy a Boca or other "meat replacement fake food" but choose to make yourself a black bean burger (these are AMAZEBALLS easy & so good!) or quinoa burger.  Better for you and cheaper too!

#5- Give up the the Protein Myth.  For the love of God, Americans eat far too much protein!  The truth is that if you eat a well balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains- you are getting enough protein.  Take care to stay away from those nit picky sudden "Nutrition Experts" who want to question you about your protein and iron intake the moment you announce your move to meat free eating.

Well there you have it- my FIVE TIPS for getting started on a more humane diet.  And for those of you who are wondering, my family is completely vegetarian 5-6 days per week.  We allow for a cheat day or two every week because the truth is that we simply LOVE a real meat cheeseburger or a fabulous steak.  However we are VERY conscious of the meat we do choose to consume and I personally never buy factory farmed meat.  We go local!

In addition to our normal vegetarian diet, we are currently eating vegan dishes at least twice weekly.  I am slowly increasing this amount over time, but again- we LOVE our cheddar cheese and sour cream so this transition has been hard.  We are a normal family that has made this decision to eat a better quality, healthier, plant based diet.  We not only LOVE animals but we love ourselves enough to take the time and energy needed to ensure our bodies are healthy and whole from the inside out, just like you!

You can do this.  I promise you.

Psst...still here?  Check out my MASTER RECIPE LIST here for some easy and yummy vegan and vegetarian recipes.  Many of the vegetarian dishes can easily be converted to full on vegan by making a few simple changes.  Good stuff here y'all!  Enjoy!

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