
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

10 Things Not to Say to a Homeschooling Mom

I've been a homeschooling Mom for about 8 years now and you WOULD NOT BELIEVE the crap I hear from people.  Ok, well....maybe you would.  Below is my own personal list of things you should NEVER say to a homeschooling parent, period.  And yes- they've all been said to me at one time or another.

#1- But what about socialization?  Oh.  My.  Gawd.  I am beyond done with this question, I just can't.  Do your research you ignorant butt and you'll find that homeschooled kids are WAY better socialized than your precious public schoolers.  Yeah, it's true.

#2- They'll never get into college.  News flash!  College is not the be all end all and no one knows this better than a homeschooling Mom.  I want my child to pursue his passions and if he needs college to do that, then you best believe my boy is getting in.  But it is not our educational goal.  And here's a bit of truth for you, colleges are ACTIVELY recruiting homeschoolers.  If it came down to my well rounded homeschooled student and your peg square public schooler, the homeschooled kid will win it every single time.  Every.  Time.

#3- I didn't know you were a certified teacher.  I'm not but thanks for trying to make me feel stupid.  You do NOT need to be a certified teacher to teach a child, you just don't.  Think back to before you shipped your child off to school, did you never teach them a single thing?  Like ever?  However in the world did they learn to eat with a fork or tie their shoes or lip sync to Madonna?  Oh yeah- you taught them because you are more than qualified and so am I.  So suck it.

#4- Wow, I didn't know you were so religious.  Because EVERY SINGLE HOMESCHOOLER must be over the top religious to follow this path, right?  No.  Where once the homeschooling community consisted of a butt ton of religious families, just as with any demographic- we are growing.  Homeschoolers come in all shapes and sizes, from all different worlds with a crazy variety of beliefs.  Would you believe there's even some who DON'T believe in God?  Yeah, it's true.

#5- Don't you get sick of spending all that time with your kid?  Well, yeah- sometimes.  I'm only human of course!  But when it comes down to it, I want to be the one who teaches and guides him, not some stranger hired by a defunct educational system.  And goodness but that's why they invented outside classes, sports, and this little thing called socialization.  Sure we homeschoolers spend WAY more time with our children than most parents and no joke- it can be rough, we wouldn't have it any other way.  

#6- So what do you do all day?  Well gee...what do YOU do all day?  I certainly hope you aren't trying to imply that I'm lazy here mmkay...because the reality is anything but.  If you're doing this right, it is very much like having a FULL TIME JOB in addition to the FULL TIME JOB of being a wife and mother.  And personally, I have 2 part time jobs so let's just say I work the equivalent of 3 FULL TIME JOBS.  How many do you have again?  What is it that you do all day again?  MmmHmm....sorry but you're not gonna win this one.

#7- How come your kid is watching TV, shouldn't they be doing schoolwork right now?  Ah, you gotta love a schoolwork dictator, right?  Homeschooling is a lifestyle and as such it happens ALL THE TIME.  Even TV can be educational.  There are SO many ways and styles in which to homeschool and educate our children and most of them do NOT replicate a traditional public school setting.  So expand your mind a bit to the concept that kids learn all the time in every thing.

#8- Well I didn't realize public school wasn't good enough for your kids, it works just fine for mine.  Sigh....listen....I am truly NOT judging you.  I'm not.  It works for your family and that's great- but it didn't work for mine.  The reasons behind why people choose to homeschool are vast and most times it has nothing to do with you.  So get over yourself already and let's just agree to not judge each other mmkay...

#9- I didn't know you were allowed to homeschool, is it legal?  Wow.  The government mind control is strong in this one mmkay....listen, I do NOT need to ask permission from anyone to do what I feel is right for my child.  I just don't.  But thanks for implying that I would commit a crime in order to educate my kid.  Homeschooling is legal, in all the states.  Some have more regulations and restrictions than others which sucks balls but yes, for now we are still legally allowed to parent and educate how we want.

#10- Shouldn't your kid be in school?  THEY ARE IN SCHOOL YOU DIP SHIT.  OK, that reply might be too harsh but it is almost always right there on the tip of my tongue.  Good thing for you my parents raised me right and I just keep that little nugget to myself.  But yes, my child is in school.  Even while we are at the grocery store or walking in the park because if you've learned anything from this post I hope it's that homeschooling is a way of life.  Learning is natural and organic and it happens all the bloody time.

Well there you have it, my own personal list of things you should probably never say to a homeschooling Mom.  What would you add to this list?


  1. I could see #6 being asked by a well-meaning person choosing his/her words poorly (like me!) More like a "how do you manage your time?" kind of question.

  2. Very true. All of these could easily be asked by well meaning people which is why I ALWAYS try to reply with kindness if the questions seem sincere. But sometimes, sometimes....they aren't. And to be honest, I personally get tired of all the constant questions. As the years have gone on, I've found that most strangers are not geniune & well meaning but rather use these questions as a means to pick apart our lifestyle & our choices. :-/
