
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Your Kid Isn't At Grade Level

Well crap.

I guess I'm just a total failure as a homeschool Mom then eh?  Yeah, no.  Sorry but I simply don't subscribe to this whole "grade level" business and in truth, have never really felt the need to be too concerned about it.

Crazy right?

So here's the story- the kiddo takes a math class through Edmonds Heights K-12, our homeschool program.  It's one of several classes he takes and it is simply a supplemental class to help support the schoolwork and learning going on at home.  It meets for one hour once per week- so yeah, clearly nothing too strenuous here.

We are about a month into this class and already the instructor has emailed me 4 times.  Sigh....really?  While I certainly appreciate her enthusiasm, it is a tad irritating.  Her latest email stated what a great kid William was, how focused he is in class, how he participates and stays on task....and I'm thinking "GREAT!  This is all good stuff right?  So what's the problem here?"  Well it turns out that these darn weekly packets that she sends home, he's just not completing them fully.

Math is some tricky business mmkay....

Since he's not showing his work and answering completely in the manner she wants- she's deemed him to be behind grade level and wants to have an "intervention" to discuss my homeschooling philosophy.  I should also mention that she previously told the kids in her class NOT to have a parent help them with these packets and it appears that she doesn't give very clear instructions on exactly what she wants done.  Either that or the kiddo is simply tuning her out....neither of which are good.

So next week I will be meeting with her to discuss the kiddo's struggle because we all know the struggle is real y'all and to talk about how we homeschool.

Ugh.  I'm just a bit over it all at this point.  I don't have to explain myself or how my family does things to anyone if I don't want to and seriously- I'm not even one little bit concerned that my child may or may not be behind grade level.  Who cares?  He'll get where he needs to be when he's ready.  He's paying attention in her class, he's focused, he's completing these same math problems correctly at home and understanding the concepts so really- what's the big friggin' deal?!?

Next week should be interesting y'all....

And for those of you asking the big fat question- "Why even have him in a math class to begin with?" well here's your answer-  I suck at math.  The husband is equally suck-tastic at math.  And because we both suck, we want to make sure the kiddo doesn't suck as well.  Yep.  That about covers it.  Our thinking here is that these math classes give him a little extra help and push in an area that his parents do not excel at and because he's expressed interest in being an engineer when he grows up, he's going to need all the help in math that he can get.  But I'll be honest and say that at this point, I'm seriously reconsidering these math classes.

So for those of you currently knee deep in the "grade level" struggle please know this- your kid will learn at the pace that is right for them.  They will excel in some areas and at other times, fall behind in other subjects. This is 100% normal.  Your kid is fine and you are doing a good job- you are not a failure.

I repeat, YOU.  ARE.  NOT.  A.  FAILURE.

It'll all be OK, I promise you.  Just hang in there, keep at it, relax a bit and just enjoy the process.  This is the true beauty of homeschooling.  You got this.

PS- I'll post a follow up story next week about my "intervention".  Should be good y'all....should be good...

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