
Saturday, October 17, 2015

Grief Is a Strange Place to Be

You may have noticed that I've been missing from the blog this last month.  It would appear that my light has dimmed just a bit since the passing of our beloved Lucky Dog on September 3rd.  He was my first baby and I am very clearly still grieving.  Six weeks later and the grief is still pretty raw and new- I am not my normal self and the sadness is eating its way inside.

I'm not sleeping.  At times not eating anything and then at other times, I can't seem to eat enough.  I'm laughing but it's not the same.  Most noticeably, I'm not writing.  Writing is my therapy and I have yet to be able to formulate my thoughts on Lucky Dog's death.  I just can't.  Not yet.

I put forth some effort- mainly to try to get back to "normal" here.  But let's face it- a measly four posts in September and nothing yet for October.  Yeah, this is hard.  So much more then I thought it would be and sadly, I'm not sure when or if it will ever get easier.  I've heard it will but I don't believe it.

Grief is a strange and weird place to be caught in.  Trying to hold on and be "yourself" again for your family and yet- so very much, a changed person.  So I have this to say to all of you currently in the midst of it-

Take your time.

There's no rush.

It's OK to laugh and smile.

You can cry too.

There's no "right" way to grieve.

You might have to give yourself a little push.

Work on you.

Don't stop being a Mom/Wife but it's OK to take a little timeout.

You can fake it until you make it.

One day, you'll make it.  For real.

The sadness will linger.

Sometimes you'll cry for no real "reason" but we all know the why.

Let it be.

Please know, that I think you all are so very brave.  I am no stranger to grief, having suffered many losses throughout my 30 plus years.  But this one, yeah- this one was different.

I also want to acknowledge that the death of a beloved family pet is obviously very different from that of a spouse or a parent.  I'm not here to "compare" levels of grief but to simply state that grief is grief.  Loss is loss.  And we will all deal as best we can.

In closing, I am going to try to be a bit more present and active here on the blog.  Perhaps some day I will write a full post dedicated to the loss of Lucky Dog but for now, I just can't.  This grief, it's a strange place to be.

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