
Friday, February 20, 2015

Homeschooled Housewife's Daily Task List

Staying on top of household chores and tasks can sometimes seem like a mountain you just can't climb.  Trust me, I get it.  Years ago my floor used to be littered with toys upon toys upon toys.  The laundry would pile up until it took me DAYS to get it under control and I could never seem to keep my bathroom clean.  This was me circa 2006.

Back then I was a full time working Mom with a one year old child.  But then I became a full time stay at home Mom.  Uh Oh.  Now I had no good reason for not keeping my house looking nice and neat.  But with a small child running around, it just seemed impossible.  And as any Mother knows, the house stays MUCH cleaner if you aren't actually in it that often.  So yeah- I was a mess and so was my house.

A few years ago I stumbled upon the concept of a chore chart for wives.  Gah- how humiliating.  I had one of these as a kid- why in the world would I want one now?  But when life gets busy, it's really so handy to have a list of tasks you need to get done each day.  

The kiddo also has his own chore chart- easy and age appropriate things like dusting, taking out the trash, vacuuming, cleaning his bedroom etc.  These tasks used to be on my list but as the kiddo has gotten older, I've been able to move some of the items to his list.  Thus leaving me free for special tasks like deep cleaning the carpets or organizing the coat closet- see Thursdays!  These are items that don't need to be done on a weekly basis and I will pick a task from my "Special Projects" list to complete each Thursday based on the time I have that given day.

I do my best to stick to this task list.  However, I am a busy working and homeschooling Mama- so consider these your goals for each day but don't be too hard on yourself if you can't complete them all.

Homeschooled Housewife's Daily Task List

  • Clean downstairs guest bathroom
  • Meal plan for the week/month
  • Laundry
  • Pay bills every other Monday
  • Baking Day!
  • Shopping Day!
  • Clean master bathroom
  • Pick up master bedroom
  • Special project
  • Tidy up anything that hasn't been done or needs attention
  • Weekend meal preparation
  • Wash bed sheets
  • Dust
  • Clean floors
  • Vacuum

In addition to this weekly task list there are things that I do each day to ensure my home stays as neat as I can possibly manage.
  • Never leave dirty dishes on the kitchen counter top.
  • Always wipe up after yourself in the kitchen.
  • Put all food away immediately.
  • Pick up items (dog toys, dirty socks etc) off the floors throughout the day.
  • Keep your dining room table clear and ready for the next meal.
  • Unload the dishwasher immediately after its done.
  • Don't allow trash to pile up.
  • Put your purse away.  I keep mine on a hook inside the coat closet.
  • Set up an "entry station" by the front door for keys, sunglasses, remotes etc.  Do not dump these items around your house.
  • If laundry is starting to pile up- do it, even if it's not designated laundry day.
  • Push chairs in when getting up from the table.
  • Turn lights off in rooms you are not in.
My house is not perfect.  There is clutter- trust me on this one.  But it never gets so out of hand that it becomes unmanageable.  A few simple things each day can really make a big difference!

When it's time for you to set up your own daily task list- keep a few things in mind.  Your available time on any given day, any help from kids or spouse, your priorities, what day will you do your shopping to hit up all the best sales etc.  If I can do this- you can too!

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