
Monday, February 23, 2015

Does This Get Any Easier?

I'm asked all the time if this homeschooling business gets any easier.  The reality is that no, it doesn't.  It simply changes and evolves over time.  Teaching your children is hard.

But it's also the greatest single thing you will ever do.  Seriously- it is.

And I don't just say that because I'm being idealistic.  When your child struggles to learn how to read and you spend hours, seriously HOURS upon HOURS, working with them and then suddenly- they've figured it out.  There is really nothing better.  To know that your child can add and subtract in their head because you taught them how to do that.  The reason they know that our veterans are more important than football players- it's because of you.  All you.

So no.  It doesn't get any easier, it just changes.

When the kiddo was younger, I had to literally sit by his side for all schoolwork and quiet reading done at home.  During outside classes, I was also right there.  In the younger years, it was very time consuming.  But also very rewarding because we were forming the foundation of learning.

Now that he's a bit older and we've been doing this homeschooling thing for almost 7 years- I can say that it is very different from the way it started.  He no longer wants me in any outside classes with him.  He seeks me out only when he needs help with a specific problem or worksheet but that's about it.  He prefers to learn on his own.  However, because I'm not sitting by his side the entire time, I have to constantly stay on him about completing his daily tasks.

See- not easier, just different.

What I can tell you is that you will eventually reach a point where you think, "I've got this."  You will find your groove, I promise you.  And just remember that the really great thing about homeschooling is that if something isn't working, you can change it.  You are never locked in to one way of learning.  The beauty of being your child's educator is that you know immediately when something simply isn't going to cut it and you, yes YOU, can change it.

You can do this.

How do I know?

Simple- because I'm doing it.  And if I can do it, I know that anyone can.

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