
Monday, June 16, 2014

Mommy Said Fuck

Oh.  My.  Word.

I just said the "F" word in front of my kid.  Not to my kid but in front of him.  I'm pretty sure that's the first time he's ever heard Mommy say Fuck.  Oh yeah- folks, sometimes I swear.  Not a lot and usually not around my child or any children for that matter.  But hey- we are adults here and sometimes you said a bad word.  But I have never, as in NEVER EVER said the "F" word around the kiddo.  To be honest, I'm really not a big fan of that word at all.  It's just so harsh and unnecessary.  I'm also a big believer that the words we use reflect upon who we are just as I believe that our actions reflect upon us as well.  And some words, just shouldn't be said.

With that being said, I totally just said a super bad word in front of my kid. 

Let's backup so I can explain how this not so nice word came out of my mouth.

For awhile now, our garbage man has been hassling the husband about getting one of the garbage company's trash cans.  He's doing this because with a personal trash can, he has to get out of his truck and can't use the super easy lift.  Result- it makes more work for him.  However, where we live, you are allowed to have a personal trash can so I see no reason to replace what we have AND pay a higher monthly rate to do so.

So....three weeks ago our garbage man took it upon himself to throw away the lid to our personal trash can.  Thus forcing us to replace it. sneaky person you.  But it doesn't end there- he then lied about doing so and then lied again to cover it up.  If there's one thing I can't stand it's people who lie.  Finally, two weeks ago- he admitted to lying and was reprimanded by the company.

So folks- I'm all about forgiveness and letting things go- not living in stress and anxiety etc.  So in an effort to do just that- I called and arranged for them to remove the rest of my personal trash can on our next pickup day and then bring us one of their trash cans.

That was 3 weeks ago.  THREE WEEKS.

In that time, I have been battling incompetence at every single turn.  Since I work in customer service, I have been more then understanding and patient and yet- three weeks later I am still without a new trash can and up until just 3 days ago, they had still failed to remove the bottom half of my unusable personal trash can. Gah.  I'm trying to live without stress here people and this is NOT helping me!  So today- Monday, for the 3rd Monday in a row, I was promised a call back from a manager.  When lunchtime rolled around, I realized that yet again- I would not be getting that promised phone call.  So I called up and after being transferred 3 times was finally connected a supervisor.  She promised to look into the issue and call me back.

Folks- here's what I'm asking for- a trash can to be delivered and a credit on my account equal to the 3 weeks I've spent dealing with this crap.  Seems fair to me, right?

Here's what the supervisor offered me- a trash can delivered (yeah right!) by Friday, which is in 5 days.  What am I supposed to do with my trash in the meantime?!?  And a $10 credit.  Seriously?!?  $10!

And that folks, that's when this Mommy lost her shit.

It was not pretty.  I was done being nice.  I was fresh out of patience.  And I ended the call with "I am fucking pissed and $10 is not acceptable."  Sigh....deep breath.

So yes- Mommy said Fuck.

And to be honest, I would probably do so again in this situation.  There comes a time, when your children will see you as real people.  People who get angry, people who are sad and people who say Fuck.  I was hoping that I could prolong that until the kiddo was a little bit older- but alas, the time has come.  Mommy is a real person, full of mistakes and imperfections.  Sorry kid- now you know.

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