
Friday, June 20, 2014

20 Things I Want my Son to Learn

  1. Master a few dishes and you'll look like a rock star in the kitchen.  Ladies will be super impressed.
  2. Exercise patience with everyone in every thing you do.  A wise man is a patient man.
  3. Be kind.  You never know what someone is going through.  Choose kindness over being right every time.
  4. Listen.  Simply shut your mouth and really listen to others.
  5. Team sports are great learning tools.  Don't be afraid to fail.  Take pride in winning.
  6. Be strong in your manhood and proud to be who you are.  A strong man has value even if society is telling you they don't.  It's ok to be a strong leader.
  7. Learn to use the dishwasher, washing machine, iron and vacuum.
  8. Take pride in your appearance.  No one wants to hug a smelly man.
  9. Private parts are just that- private.  No sexting or inappropriate clothing.  Keep those parts private!
  10. Manners will get you everywhere.  Hold the door for ladies, allow people to go ahead of you, say "please" and "thank you".
  11. Aim when you pee.  Someone has to clean that up you know.
  12. Don't be afraid to be different and just a little weird.  We are all weird & that's what makes us unique.  Embrace it.
  13. Women love flowers- especially if there's no reason behind them.
  14. Laugh.  Often.  See the humor and happiness in life.
  15. Marry your best friend.  Looks fade, people get fat but if you marry someone who you love to be around- you'll never have any problems.  Marriage is a forever deal.
  16. When in doubt- ask.
  17. Remember where you came from and don't loose sight of where you're going.  A strong foundation will serve you well.
  18. Decide to learn from life instead of fight it.  There are lessons everywhere.
  19. The only hero you need is your Dad.
  20. Call your Mom- often.  She loves you more then you will ever know.

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