
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

What I Want for Mother's Day...And You Probably Do Too!

Husband's take note.  Here's a list of things every Mom secretly wants for Mother's Day.  It is our special day after all....and what better way to treat that special woman in your life then by giving her one of these simple things.  Go for broke and do all 10, now that's the way to celebrate the amazing woman in your life!

  1. Sleep.  Yes, sleep.  But really, this has to be strategically planned.  Husbands, you will need to wake up before the kids, practice your super sweet (and quiet!) Ninja crawl down the stairs and then do not make any noise.  At all.  Better yet- take the kids and leave.  But don't tell me about it, don't send the kiddo in for sweet goodbye kisses, just be gone with your noisy selves.
  2. No Cleaning.  Today I do not want to pick up anyone's crap.  I don't want to put a plate in the dishwasher or find dirty socks behind the TV, I do not wish to scrub the carpet after the dog barfs and for heaven sakes- I WILL NOT BE WIPING BUTTS TODAY.
  3. Feed Me.  I feed you and the kiddo every single day, most times- three times each day.  For today only, you can be in charge of feeding me.  And while you're at it- don't forget to feed the kid and dogs too!   
  4. To Plan the Day.  Mother's Day inevitably ends with you asking me what I want to do.  How about if you plan something special that you know I will enjoy and then we simply go do it.  And no- I do not want to go fishing.  I don't like fishing, you like fishing.  So this would not be fun for me.
  5. Ice Cream and Cake and Pie.  Oh My.  Yes, I want something delicious to treat myself with today.  I work hard all year, I deserve it.  But don't make me bake it myself and for all that's holy, find a good bakery.  NOT the grocery store!  And this time, can I actually have a piece?  Nothing says you're an awesome Mom more then giving the kiddo the last piece, especially if you never got one to begin with.  I think today, I should have the first piece.
  6. An Advice Free Day.  Yep, you heard that right.  I love advice.  I love hearing these great tidbits of wisdom from those who've experienced Motherhood, homeschooling, marriage etc but I just want to be left alone.  Today I'm in my bubble and it's gonna be awesome!
  7. To Go Shopping Without You.  It's like a totally different experience when the husband isn't wondering why I need this or why I want that.  And not having a bored child hanging on me- priceless.  I don't even need to buy anything.  Going is gift enough.
  8. No Tacky "Mom" Gifts.  Ok- I love gifts.  But you know what I don't love?  Tacky Mom jewelry, a t-shirt or any article of clothing for that matter that declares me as being "Mom" and no- I do not want a new vacuum.  If you saw a commercial on TV for it- DO NOT BUY IT, easy as that.  Tasteful jewelry or flowers are nice.  But better yet- have the kiddo make me a card and you can write me a love letter.  That gift is worth far more then rubies.
  9. Beautiful Weather and a Cocktail.  I want to end my day sitting on the back deck, munching on chips and salsa and drinking my adult beverage, courtesy of my loving husband.  And would it be too much to ask to have the sun shining and a gorgeous 70 degrees outside?  Ah...Heaven.
  10. You.  Yes- you.  Today I want to be reminded of the real reason why I'm celebrating.  And that's being a Mother.  That wouldn't be possible if I hadn't first become your Wife.  So today, I want to spend the day with the two people who mean the most to me.  My son and my husband.
Ladies- what do you think?  Did I get the nail on the head with this list or what?  And please- keep in mind it's supposed to be a little funny and humorous.  I love my husband and my child and whatever they chose to do for me will be most appreciated.  So to all you wonderful Mom's out there, my own Mother included- I wish you a most special Mother's Day, you've earned it!

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