
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

10 Things That Happen When You Switch to REAL Food

Well #1 should definitely be that your stomach will NOT explode.  But sadly, that didn't make the list.

It's officially been FIVE YEARS since we started on our food journey.  Yeah, I call it a food journey...weird I know....Five years ago, we started with just a few simple baby steps and it's gradually become a big part of our lifestyle.  While there's the obvious changes like- you'll feel better, you'll be healthier, you won't have as much money because you're spending it all on organic food and of course, you won't have to fear an exploding stomach, there's a few other (more subtle) changes that I've noticed.

So here you go- in no particular order.  Ten things that I've noticed from simply making the switch to an organic and natural, whole foods diet.

  1. You will have less trash.  Seriously!  Each week, my trash can used to be overflowing and my recycle bin was packed too.  Now, I barely fill my trash can up halfway.  That's a 50% drop in the amount of trash we produce.  Now that's crazy!  And just you wait until I start composting!  I bet my trash can will be empty then!
  2. Your fridge will look empty.  Like- "help me, I'm poor and can't afford food" empty.  The only time that my refrigerator looks full now is the day I get home from the grocery store and perhaps the day after.  However since most our food is now whole foods, mainly fruits and veggies- my drawers are full but my shelves are empty.
  3. You will poop more often.  Yep, I said it.  Most people go on average once per day.  However, when eating a whole foods diet, its not unheard of for that number to increase to 3-5 times per day.  Think about all that shit that was backed up inside your body before making the switch.  Gross!
  4. You won't be able to eat out and travelling will become much more difficult.  Fast food is pretty much off the list.  But if you're lucky there might still be a couple restaurants where you can dine
    without feeling ill afterwards.  And good luck trying to find those places- it's like playing Russian Roulette with your stomach.  Word to the wise- stay away from anything with lots of MSG.  Trust me on this one...And travelling, oh geez....before making the switch you could simply stop at the drive thru or pick up something at your hotel.  But now this convenience simply doesn't exist.  Best of luck to you my friend, getting sick while on vacay is NO fun!
  5. You will run your dishwasher daily, maybe even twice per day.  I hate to admit this but before changing our diet, I used to run the dishwasher weekly.  Yeah, you heard that right- weekly!  Sometimes I would run it simply because it was starting to smell, even though it wasn't totally full.  Now it seems to always be full because we are simply eating at home more.  It's not rocket science- when you eat at home more, you have more dirty dishes.  If you have more dirty dishes, you spend more time in the kitchen, if you....ok, ok....I'll stop, you get it.
  6. You'll probably start carrying food around with you everywhere.  To be honest, I almost always have an "approved" snack in my purse.  Mainly for the kiddo because he's an eater.  However, it's not uncommon to see me eating nuts and dried fruits while sitting at the YMCA.  Or snacking on apple slices in the library.  Recently I was eating a bowl of yogurt and bananas while William was outside riding bikes with the neighbor boy and I was visiting with his Mom.  So be prepared for some weird looks and curious stares.
  7. You will eat more often and eat less at each meal.  I used to eat a big lunch and big dinner and nothing else.  Now, I find myself eating all three meals and adding in at least one or two snacks.  Mainly because whole foods are so filling, you simply don't need to consume as large quantities.  And your kids?  Holy Buckets....they will never STOP eating!  My advice, simply listen to your body.  If it's hungry, feed it.  But remember that food is fuel, so make good choices here.
  8. You will talk about it ALL the time.  It's like you've discovered this amazing healthy secret and you must share it with every single person you know.  Unfortunately, most folks don't want to hear it and are bothered by it.  But sadly, you just can't stop.  It's like some sick MUST share with everyone you know.  Oh- and if you're not talking about it, chances are you're thinking about it.  Gah- will it ever end?!?
  9. You will make other healthy changes in your life and begin doing things you once thought were crazy.  Once you switch your diet, you will naturally begin to evaluate other areas of your life.  Expect to change your beauty products, cleaning supplies, soaps, candles, fragrances, clothing, cars and so on.  Your eyes will be opened to the dangers of consuming GMO's and processed foods.  Once that happens, there's no turning back.  And with these other changes will come a ticket to Crazy Town.  I simply can't believe that I drink Apple Cider Vinegar each morning, put Coconut Oil in my hair and on my popcorn and go a week without washing my hair.  It's official, I've arrived.
  10. People will think you're weird.  Yep, trust me...this WILL happen.  And they might even think you're crazy too!  Anytime you go against the "norm" people will view you differently.  Have the courage to know you're making the right choices and to ignore the hurtful comments and ignorant words.
There you have it.  Have you noticed these things too?  Pretty crazy all the side effects from simply changing the food you eat!

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