
Monday, June 24, 2013

Homeschooling- The Road Less Traveled By

This year has been a struggle.  There, I said it.  It's been rough.

It seems that when you decide to homeschool and start on the path less followed, that folks believe its alright to point out your shortcomings & everything you're doing wrong.  You're sheltering your child.  You're too overbearing.  It's not natural.  You're a horrible wife.  You're ruining your child for any kind of normal life.  You're turning him into a Momma's Boy.  You're not teaching your child the right things.  You're teaching your child the wrong things.  You're making a huge mistake.  You can't choose his friends.  You can't limit who he spends time with.  You need to get a real job.  What's so bad about public school?  You're wrong!  You're wrong!  You're wrong!

Ugh!  Crap Almighty!  It's difficult to not become weighed down by the opinions of others, isn't it?  Especially when these opinions are in such contrast with what you believe is the right thing.  And this is where I've personally struggled the most this past year.  Don't get me wrong, I love the support we receive as a homeschooling family.  Many, many people tell me all the good things I'm doing for my child and how they wish they could homeschool too.  Validation is nice, yes.  But what do you do all about the crap people are slinging your way?  How do you respond to all the negativity?  And just when I start to feel as if I've successfully dodged the latest poop flinging, another slingshot load is heading my way.  Why is this?  Why is it that people think they get to voice their negative opinions on how I raise my child?  Why all the judgements and harsh words?  Is our choice to homeschool really so weird?

Now, I realize that we have very clear beliefs and opinions on how to best raise William.  But that's the beauty of it all, he's our child.  And if you've read any of my other posts, especially this one then you know why we homeschool.  We've made these choices because we believe they are the best ones for our family and for our son.  We don't expect others to make the same choices.  But we do expect them to respect our choices.  In fact, we know most people would never consider homeschooling.  And really- that's ok.  It certainly takes a special kind of "crazy" to follow this particular path, doesn't it?

Maybe in a few years all the negative, judgemental comments will fade.  Maybe not.  But I can't let the harsh opinions of a few impact the choices we make today.  Instead, we have chosen to remove the negativity.  We have decided to give the gift of our absence to those who don't appreciate our presence.  Simple as that.    It's devastating when people you know become people you knew but I just don't see another solution.

Ooh- that's harsh you say.  Cold & decisive.  Well, yes.  Yes I suppose that it is.  Homeschooling is not easy.  It is a tough road to travel and most especially when you don't have the support of everyone around you.  Maybe in a few years, the road less traveled will not seem so rocky.  Perhaps those naysayers will see the difference homeschooling has made in William's life and seek forgiveness for their actions and unkind words.  Or not.  All I know for sure is, that this is our road.  This is our path and we are the ones following it.  So when you come to that fork in the road, which path will you follow?  Will you be brought down by all the judgements & negativity?  Will you buckle and choose the road everyone thinks you should follow?  Or will you forge ahead?  Steadfast in your decision and following the road less traveled by?



  1. Ugh! I hate when people offer their unsolicited "negative" thoughts.

    1. No kidding! If you have nothing nice to say, just keep your mouth shut. Guess their Momma never taught them that!
