
Monday, June 17, 2013

Chrissie's Top 5 Homeschooling Myths

There are a few things that irritate me more then they should.  Many of those things come from a long list of homeschooling myths.  I'm sure you've probably heard a couple of them....perhaps even believed a few....that's alright, I'll forgive you.  But only if you read this and promise to never believe the myths again.

So here's my top 5, in no particular order.

1.  What about socialization?
Ugh! Nothing bugs me more then an uninformed public school Mom asking me if my child is appropriately socialized.  So I must confess that I've become a bit, shall we say, "snarky" in my reply to this question.  The reality is that homeschoolers are better socialized then their public school peers.  Say what?!? I know, I know...but it's true.  Click here to read a little more about this but here's my short version. Public school kids spend all day, every day in a classroom filled with other kids who are almost identical to them.  Think about it....20-30 (or more) kids of the exact same age, from the same general neighborhood, same basic demographic & social background are the kids your typical public schooler is exposed to on a daily basis.

A homeschooler socializes with a wide range of people.  For example, William's peer group consists of younger kids that I occasionally babysit, kids in his classes at Edmonds Heights who are normally 3 grade levels apart, parents and grandparents of his friends at school, his own grandparents who visit us several times per month, his aunt who we live with, the neighborhood kids one of which is several years older then William and until recently- my co-workers at my part time office job where William went to "work" with me several days per week.

These are his peers.  He's comfortable around ALL people.  He can hold a conversation with your grandma or with your 2 year old nephew because he does it every day, all day.  He knows how to behave in every situation from the grocery store or a friend's 100th birthday party.  He knows this because he lives this.  He goes everywhere with me and interacts with everyone that I interact with- all day, every day.

2.  Oh- you must be very religious to homeschool.
Well sorry to burst your bubble folks, but we aren't.  At all.  It is very possible to homeschool for reasons other then religion.  So I'm sorry, but I don't have 10 sister wives, I don't wear a bun and old-fashioned dress and I don't homeschool because we are religious.  Many do and that's great.  That's just not the reason we homeschool and it sure would be nice if people didn't assume things.  Right?

3.  Something must be "wrong" with your kid.
Can you believe some of the things that come out of people's mouths?!? No filter I tell ya!  So yes, something's definitely wrong with my kid but it has nothing to do with homeschooling.  Child never listens and does as he's told- but I digress.  Seriously, can you believe that some people actually ask this question.  The real answer is- it's none of your f*&%*&* business you *&%$#&! But the nice answer I give to people is- no, there's nothing "wrong" with my kid.  <Insert patronizing smile here>  I can only assume people who ask this question think homeschooled kids have some sort of handicap that keeps them from learning in a "real" school.  Ha! If they only knew what a "real" school was doing to....ok, yikes, I'll just stop right there....

Yes, some children need the individual attention that comes from homeschooling.  But all children thrive in this environment.  And there's nothing "wrong" with that!

4.  You must be very smart to teach your children.
Why thank you...I am very smart.  I'm a genius, sometimes.  But like most folks, I could be a whole lot smarter....but I manage to get by. 

Let me ask you this- when your child was learning to speak, did you think to yourself- "how am I ever going to teach my child to talk? I don't have the proper education".  Or when they started singing their ABC's, did you panic and say "how am I ever going to teach them to write their numbers & letters? I don't have a Master's degree." Of course not!  You weren't worried about your education level then, so why would you worry about it later in their life?
The good news is that you don't have to be a genius to teach your children.  You just have to care and put forth the effort.  Yep, that's it.  And of course when they thirst for knowledge outside of your "genius level" find someone who can teach them! Currently hiring tutors for Physics and Trig, in about 7 years....

5.  Homeschool Moms are SuperMoms.
Sometimes when telling other parents about our lifestyle, I see this glazed look of disbelief cross over their faces.  You do what?  You spend how much time with your kid?  You make all your food from scratch?  You taught your child to read?  You work from home and bring in a full time income?  And so on and so forth.  But let's be honest here- I'm just like any other Mom.  I still yell, I forget to feed the dogs until 9pm on a weeknight (sorry pups!), I warm up veggie chicken nuggets & fries for dinner because I'm too tired from my crazy day and on & on I could go.  See, I'm just like you.  The only difference is that I've made a different choice for my family.  My path is just as hectic and full of struggle as your path is- I'm just heading in the opposite direction.  And that's ok.

So there you have it!  My top 5 homeschooling myths.  Would you add anything to this list?  I'm sure given enough time I could come up with another 5 or 10...perhaps for a different post....

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