
Saturday, February 11, 2017

Mom Burnout

Well shit.....this month has completely gotten away from me.  Legit, I am lagging & feeling TIRED.

I'm usually pretty good at recognizing when I'm overworked and attempting to fill my plate too full.  But this month- ugh.  I cannot with this month.

February has become a trial for me.  By now, I've got no more "holiday" excuses left as to why we are not back on track with homeschooling.  So of course the Mama guilt emerges because I feel as if I'm failing somewhere.  One of my jobs sees the most calls and customer issues during this month as business picks up for Valentine's Day.  Another job has decided that two people need to be scheduled for each shift where once we just had the one.  This means my hours have doubled this month and every month moving forward until we can hire on more people.  To summarize- I am working pretty much non stop.

And let's not forget that it's Valentine's Day and I need to plan something special for my boys.  But the big event for February is the kiddo's birthday.  In just 11 days, my baby will turn another year older and I have done NOTHING in preparation for this big day.  Not a thing y'all....

I am really feeling the pressure this year and think I may be approaching BURNOUT status.

I am sharing this with all of you- not to be a whiner, but to simply say that it happens to us all.  At some point, you will reach max capacity of what you can handle.  I think the most important part is to be able to recognize you're reaching the limit and take steps to combat it.

I am in desperate need of a hot bath and a good book.  A date night out with my husband.  A day off work.  A weekend home instead of going to an event or working.  I could also use more quiet time and I'm feeling that a break from social media might soothe my soul.

Because honestly- I do not want to see another political post from anyone.  Can we just go one damn day folks?!?  One day....

Unfortunately, I do not think I will be able to get any of these things this month but I will do my best to make some time for myself as soon as I can.  And this is simply my message to all of you-

We cannot pour from an empty cup.

Take the time to heal, to be still, to rest and to fill yourself back up.  Your people deserve you at your very best and yes- this means you need to make yourself a priority too.

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