
Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Teaching Contentment

We have always placed a high importance on learning to be happy just as you are, with who you have and the things you've got in your life.

Learning to be satisfied and content with your exact spot in life will only bring you further happiness in the long run.  And so- this has been a very important and ongoing lesson for the kiddo.  For us as well y'all....

I want to tell you that it's easy.  But in a time when so many people in general are living beyond their means and charging up a storm on their credit cards- we know it's not so simple.  Most especially, for children as they covet what their friends have and see how other people live- it can be difficult for them to truly understand.

Our house is not "THE FUN HOUSE" because we don't have all the newest and latest video game systems.  Sorry, not sorry.  We don't have an Xbox or Wii, the kiddo doesn't have his own computer or TV, there's no dirt bikes or above ground swimming pools.  Just nope.

And let me say- if you have these things, I am not casting judgment.  Please know this.  We all have "things n stuff" that fill our homes.  We have more than many and less than some- this is simply our story.

We have made an effort to buy less, we are careful with where our hard earned dollars go and when it comes down to choices- we will always choose the one that brings us an experience rather than a thing.  Things break, get boring, outdated but an experience creates a lifelong memory.  SOLD.

There's many ways that we go about showing the kiddo what it means to be happy and appreciate what you have- most importantly is to show him what it means to NOT have it.  Did you know that the majority of children today simply don't realize that there are some kids out there who go to bed hungry?  Jesus.  Can you imagine?!?  Some families live in their cars or on the streets, some can't afford to go to the doctor, people who suffer addiction or mental illness or parents who can't afford a new pair of shoes.  These people are our people, they need us.  So we help the kiddo understand how truly blessed he is by giving back to those in need.

I promise you that the simple act of GIVING will encourage a grateful heart in yourself and your kids.

When a child literally gives the shoes off his feet to another kid in need, he will no longer beg for a million pairs of super expensive shoes.  That boy will wear his own until he can't wear them any longer and then he will seek out another to give them to.

Yes Mama's.  Yes.

All this giving creates a sense of purpose and appreciation for your own blessings.  Even if some days you struggle to pay the bills, you know without a doubt that you are more fortunate than so many others.  You do what you can to be a gift to those in need even when sometimes you struggle yourself.  It makes you thankful for each and every blessing in your life- big and small.

How can you not be content when you are filled with a grateful heart?

Another very simple way we teach contentment is by being an example.  We teach goals- sweet child, please dream to your heart's desire.  Set goals, push higher- go for the gold baby!  But let's be realistic mmkay....We work HARD for our money.  We are not rich, we can't afford many things but that doesn't stop us from dreaming and doing.  You can still have things- just not ALL THE THINGS.  So decide what's important, set your sights and go for it.

We do this in all aspects of life.

For example- a family vacation.  Good Lord but vacations can be expensive!  We start by setting a budget, deciding when and where to splurge (it's vacation after all) and then we WORK as a family towards this goal.  Find ways to make it more affordable, earn extra money, realize you may have to make a few sacrifices (like no meals out) until you reach your goal- but y'all- TOGETHER YOU WILL GET THERE.  And can I just tell you, that once you are on that hard earned vacation- you will all appreciate it so much more.

Goal setting.  It works.

To wrap this up- it's a constant lesson in our life.  To be ever thankful and appreciative, to realize how truly blessed we are and to never place our security and happiness in jeopardy simply because we want what others have.

And when your child says to you, "Mom, I'm really happy here.  We have a great house, I have good friends, there's a pool I can use right down the street and plenty of room to ride my bike- this is just a really good place for us"  SWEET JESUS but you'll know that your child UNDERSTANDS what it means to truly be content.

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