
Monday, January 2, 2017

New Year, New Me...Or Not.

Well it's almost that time of year where we all make GRAND plans and resolutions and end up following through on maybe 30% of them.  Meh- that's life right?

I for one LOVE all the things about making goals and New Year's seems like a perfect opportunity.  It's a wonderful time for a FRESH START, to try something new, get outside your comfort zone, follow up on ideas you had, make positive changes and just in general- be better than you were before.  Even making the plans sets you up to succeed and creates a buzz of new life and excitement.

Years ago I had a blog post all about HOW to make some great goals and resolutions for yourself and your family.  I still do this and follow this great method for improvement and in saying this, I wanted to share with you all today the plans I've made not only for myself but for my family and my house for 2017.

Umm....yeah.  2017.  Crazy business!

For myself-

The goal is pretty simply.  Walk more and drink less coffee.

Ideally I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to begin my day with a healthy green smoothie.  But I am LEGIT fooling no one here and so I'll simply make the much more realistic goal of ONE CUP OF COFFEE each morning.

And let's just not mention how big the cup is mmkay....

For my family-

As we help the kiddo with his dairy allergy diagnosis, the goal is to use dairy more as a condiment instead of the main course.

Y'all- we love our cheese and sour cream in this house.  But I need to make more changes towards a vegan diet and convince the husband that he doesn't require neither cheese nor sour cream on every single dish he eats.  We've been slowly making progress but I would really love to see us moving towards a full vegan diet in 2017.

For my house-

I have some areas to de-clutter, mainly the coat closet downstairs and the upstairs linen closet.  I cannot with the pile of stuff in these closets- BOO.  Other small projects include buying new floor lamps or getting the husband to repair the LEANING TOWER OF LAMP and replacing the slightly outdated draperies.

The big project for the house this year is to replace all the trim and interior doors.  Well shit- there goes all my money honey!  But I simply cannot look at this 1980's wood trim a year longer!  And here's a little secret that only guests in my house will know- there's a big ole hole in two of the interior doors where the previous owners made their destructive marks.  I would really love to replace these but I have to do all the interior trim work at the same time so they will match.  This is my cross to bear in life- I like things to match.

Other random goals include: saving more money, helping the kiddo catch up with his math schoolwork, working on my lifelong struggle with speaking less and listening more and spending more quality family time and married people time with both the husband and kiddo.

Some really great plans in mind for the upcoming year and I for one am super excited to see what 2017 has in store for us!

What are your goals for the New Year?

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