
Friday, June 10, 2016

Parenting Is Hard Yo

So I just want to talk about parenting and judgment for a hot second here.  Parenting is hard, like the single most difficult thing I've ever done beyond being a wife.  Because Marriage y'all.  But here's the thing, we are all in this parenting boat together.  So when our kids experience strife with one another, why can't we as grown ass people, handle it calmly and rationally?  Why must we become raving lunatics when it comes to our children?

Sometimes our kids suck.  Sometimes they make bad choices or are unkind towards others.  Our children are not perfect.  Nope.  And when they make mistakes, it's legit OK for us to call them on it, encourage them to do the right thing, apologize if necessary and move on.  What is not OK is for us to behave as if they walk on water and can do no wrong and then project this image towards the outside world.  I'm talking about when we "defend" our kids to other parents here when they are clearly in the wrong.  It's perfectly acceptable to say that our children are flawed, that we are doing they best we can and that they are still learning.

But you guys....this has not been my experience.  When dealing with other Mama's, they become irrational.  Full on crazy y'all.  How can you have a calm parenting convo with CRAZY?  You just can't and so nothing ever gets resolved.  Nothing.  Ever.

And what exactly does this teach our children?

On the flip side, lets talk about judgment in parenting.  So many times people look at the husband and I and make snap judgments about how we parent.  Good Lord but I'm sick of this business.  We are raising our child with old world values, kindness towards others, manners, respect for your elders and so on.  You know, the good stuff from ages gone by.  And I can't tell you how many people are SHOCKED by the kiddo's behavior.  They weren't expecting him to be so polite, so gracious, so honest and forthcoming.

Hmmm....why?  And interesting question for sure.  Perhaps they weren't expecting our child to be good?  Preconceived notions y'all....

Is my kid perfect?  Of course not.  Are we perfect parents?  Never.  Do we look the part of perfection? Nope.  But what we are is ACTIVE in our child's life.  While we admittedly parent differently than the majority of people do now, we try our best.  Parenting is hard enough y'all without being constantly judged for doing things a little out of the mainstream.

Moving forward, here's my hope for us all.

Can we please just chill out a little when it comes to our kids?  Everyone is so quick to condemn, to cast judgment, to voice negativity without truly giving each other a chance.  Not a single one of us is perfect or has all the answers, on this I think we can agree.  So the next time you have conflict with another parent, just take a step back, BREATHE and remember we are in this together.  A little grace and understanding will go a long way.  And for all that's holy, please try not to cast judgment upon others.  We all come from different places and approach this parenting business in a myriad of ways.  And that is totally OK.

Parenting is hard yo.

1 comment:

  1. My husband and I parent differently than most people these days. It can be tough when most people look at your like you are an ogre because you expect your child to be respectful, but I know in the end (and right now, we get compliments on their behavior everywhere we go, but the same people criticize our parenting tactics!) It is worth it.
