Working Wife and Mother raising one homeschooled boy and one crazy rat terrier. Follow along on the journey of a modern day traditional housewife who believes in putting her man and her child before herself. That home is the best place for her son to learn and that a woman's place is at the heart of her family.
Monday, August 24, 2015
Answering the Why
Let's just begin by asking this question:
Why do we even need a reason to homeschool?
Let's just stop and think on that one a moment, yeah? How many times over the years have you been asked "Why do you homeschool?" Really- how many?
In comparison, how many times do you think public school parents are asked, "Why do you send them to public school?" I bet the answer is none. Seriously- I'm pretty confident that most public schoolers have NEVER been asked "Why".
Why do you suppose this happens? When you stop and think about it- public school is the relative "new comer" to the education front. Homeschooling, home education- well it's been around a lot longer and yet it's somehow viewed as this new movement. Yeah, I just don't understand that one.
We as homeschoolers should NOT have to answer this question. We should NOT have to explain our choice to educate our children at home. If public schoolers don't have to answer and explain their choices, then why do we? But the reality is, that we kind of do. For the moment, we may be the only interaction some people have with homeschoolers and so its up to us to leave them with a good impression. How else will their preconceived notions of us change?
So for now- we do have to answer the "Why" and here's how I do it-
"It's the best choice for our family."
That's it. Simple. Easy. As non judgemental as possible, straight to the point. Over and out.
My advice to you all is to think of a sentence, a phrase, a quick answer that you can say to people when you are asked this question. Most will accept what you say and that will be it. A select few will be naturally curious and ask you more questions in an interest to learn even more. I love when this happens! And sadly, there will be some who will continue a barrage of judgemental questions in an effort to pick apart your choice to homeschool. Just ignore those folks.
So- why do you homeschool?
My answer: Because its the best choice for my family.
What will your answer be?
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