
Thursday, July 9, 2015

So yeah...this happened today.

Today we were at a small, local event making blankets and toys for shelter animals.  It was a sweet moment to give back- a small thing that can have a big impact.  You know I'm all about that!  Outreach, community service...yeah, it's good stuff and something I strive to incorporate into our homeschool.

But that's NOT what this little story is about mmkay....

At the end of the event, they did a little raffle for the kids.  Tiny little trinkets but still fun all the same.  The "grand" prize was a large puzzle- which the kiddo just so happened to have won.  Yippee!!!  He was stoked about this puzzle.  He came over to me with the biggest grin and kept showing me his grand prize.  It was a pretty sweet puzzle.

Now here comes the very best part.

As we were getting ready to leave, he noticed there was a little girl crying.  You see, she hadn't won anything in the raffle.  To make matters worse, it appeared that all her siblings had won something.

The kiddo noticed and he said to me, "Mom- do you think it would be alright if I gave her my puzzle?"

So yeah.

"I think that would be a great idea," I replied.  So the kiddo walked over and he gave her that grand prize that he was so excited about.  Freely.  With NO thought but to give and show kindness.  When I think of the man I want my boy to become, this is it.  Right here.  Kind, good, loving, strong....yep, there it is.

The thing is- he's already becoming that man.  So forgive me for suddenly having an attack of the "allergies" on the way out the door because I realized that we must be doing something right.  My boy is becoming a beautiful man and what a blessing for me to witness.

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