
Thursday, June 25, 2015

We Homeschool Year Round

I posted a question over on the Facebook page today asking, "How Do You Homeschool?"

A. Same as the public school calendar.
B.  Year Round.
C.  We make it up as we go.
D.  Cram everything into a few months & we're done.
E.  Misc/Other/We don't homeschool.

For the most part, it was a pretty even mix of A, B and C.  What surprised me was just how many of you are homeschooling year round- I totally thought we were the only weirdos doing this!  BWHAHAHA!

So, why do we personally homeschool year round?  Why not follow the local public schoolers?  Why make my child do school work in the summer time?  Why oh why oh why....

Here's the answer-

It's what works best for us.

BOOM!  And there you have it!  Do what works best for your family and don't make any apologies for it!  We tried following the public school calendar and I simply felt that we weren't getting enough done.  I also felt the pressure to constantly be "staying on task" and it just became too much.  We then tried "powering" through and trying to get everything done in a short amount of time so that we could then have summer off.  Well....that didn't work for us either.  The kiddo wasn't really retaining all that information coming at him, I was getting frustrated and it was simply NO fun!

To be honest, I don't know why we didn't just homeschool year round from the very beginning.  Our pace is much more relaxed, it fits in with our family's lifestyle, there's no rushing to get ahead to the next thing, we can slow down and really explore the kiddo's interests and on and on it goes.  But perhaps the #1 reason why we love to homeschool year round is because we all know that the learning never stops.  As homeschoolers- we are learning every day, all day.  Each moment is seen as a learning opportunity and we are constantly looking for the educational value and teachable moment in every single thing.  Seriously- I'm not kidding here.  So homeschooling year round just makes sense.

This is what we do now.  It might change.  It might not.  And that's the true beauty of homeschooling.  So how do you homeschool?

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