
Friday, June 12, 2015

Summer Reading Challenge

A few weeks ago, the kiddo declared that he was going to read 10,000 pages this summer.  While I certainly thought it was an awesome goal- I knew that it would never happen without some way to keep track of all those pages and a few incentives along the way.

So was born, William's Summer Reading Challenge.  The idea is simple, create a visual where your child can keep track of their pages read throughout the summer and make notes of the rewards along the way.

  • Our challenge begins with 3,000 pages.
  • Each reward is at the 1,000, 2,000 and 3,000 mark.
  • The rewards build up in value as you get higher on the challenge.
  • Have your kids come up with the rewards so it ensures they will work towards the goal.
  • For each 100 pages read, the kiddo must do 3 things.  #1- Write down the name of the book.  #2- Write down the exact pages read.  #3- Summarize to me what he's read.

Today marks our first official day of the Summer Reading Challenge.  The kiddo is SUPER EXCITED to get started and has declared that we need a trip to the library so he can "stock up on lots of books."  Let's hope we can keep this momentum going all summer long!

PS- I made this super cute "reading thermometer" with an recycled paper grocery bag and some of the kiddo's construction paper.  No need to go out and buy supplies to make this- just you what you already have at home!  The lines or "temperature" is drawn at the 100 page mark, so for every section, he must fill in the name of the book and the pages read.  The title at the top reads, "How Hot Will Your Summer Be?"  

Pure awesome you guys!  Summer reading, here we come!!!!

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