
Saturday, June 6, 2015

Creating the Foundation

"You just seem so sure of yourself.  So calm and good."

You guys, I've received compliments (and negativity too!) over the years but this one really made me stop and think.  It came while I was speaking with an older co-worker, in truth she reminds me very much of my Mom.  Quiet, hardworking, beautiful.  She is grace and honesty, kindness and hurt- you can see it in her eyes and I so enjoy the little snippets of time that I get to speak with her.

Today she asked me if I go to church.  And so I shared with her my story.  I grew up going to a Presbyterian church and was raised in the Word by a community of believers.  I was sheltered and loved and I knew Jesus in my heart.  It was so good and so very normal.  Just good people who loved Jesus- it was everything church should be.  When I went away to college, I struggled to find what I had at home.  And then when I came home, nothing was the same.  So I've been without a church ever since.  It's a bit of a sad story really....but one full of hope all the same.

And then she told me a bit of her story.  I won't share it with you here because it's not mine to share.  But it put a new light on this person, one that I deeply appreciated.  I SO love when women open up to one another in honesty and fellowship!

As we were speaking, she remarked how mature and grounded I seemed.  That she could see the light of goodness in the way I handled myself and the way in which I interacted with everyone here at work.  I responded that it was the way I was raised- the foundation that set the path for me.  I was very fortunate to have both parents present in my life- they are still married and about to celebrate 40 years of marriage in November.  I know for certain that the person that I am today is because of the way in which I was raised.  Was it perfect?  Of course not.  Was I blessed?  Absolutely.

I am confident in myself.  I know who I am and I know what I believe in- there is no conflict in my heart.  I am at peace and I am happy.  I am me and me is good.

As a parent- can I just say that I want nothing more for my own child than this simple sense of self.  To be at peace in your heart, comfortable in your skin and sure of the thoughts in your head.  Knowing why you're here, having a purpose, a knowledge in your heart that you are good and worthy of love- it's simply an amazing feeling.

How will I give my child this gift?

It's simple really- by creating his foundation.  By being confident in myself, by showing him what it means to love and be loved, by raising him up, through loving his Father and nurturing our marriage, in choosing his community, by being present- together the husband and I will make sure that his foundation isn't cracked.  It will be strong.  It will carry him.  Until one day someone will remark- "you seem so sure of yourself, so calm and good" and he will be blessed.

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