
Thursday, January 22, 2015

Top 10 Myths About Homeschoolers

Well here it is, a list of all the silly and ridiculous things that people think about homeschooling and homeschoolers in general.  No particular order but #1 is a the top of the list because HELLO, it's like the single most asked question about homeschoolers EVER.  Seriously.  EVER.

  1. We are freaks and have no friends.  Ah yes, the dreaded socialization question.  People think we are hermits just hiding away in our homes scared to venture out into the real world.  Well, that couldn't be further from the truth.  Homeschoolers spend quite a bit of time socializing outside the walls of their homes thank you very much.  In fact, studies have proven that homeschooled kids benefit from this way of socialization much more then that found in a public school environment.  Google it if you don't believe me.
  2. That we are all religious.  So here's the deal, people choose to homeschool for a variety of reasons.  And yes, religion is most definitely one of them but it's not the only reason.
  3. Homeschoolers are weird and will grow up to be social outcasts.  Don't be afraid mmkay...embrace the weirdness.  Because let's face it, it takes a certain kind of "strange" to live this lifestyle, but I promise that we aren't any weirder then you are.
  4. We have tons of free time.  BWAHAHAHA!  Excuse me but I just busted a gut laughing my rear end off over here.  Now that's some funny business.  The truth of the matter is that homeschoolers are probably MORE busy then your average family, it's just a different kind of busy.  And no, we don't sit around the house all day watching TV.  Homeschooling does not equal lazy.
  5. That we hate all things related to public education.  This is one myth that personally frustrates the crap out of me.  I LOVE public school teachers but I'm saddened over the entire system as a whole.  Most homeschoolers that I've met feel exactly the same way.  Teachers have a hard job and we acknowledge and appreciate all that they do for our children, even if our kids are personally not in their classrooms.
  6. We are all helicopter parents and afraid to send our kids out into the real world.  Yes, I am very careful and diligent with my child and his safety.  But I am not hovering nearby at every single moment.  In fact, my personal parenting style is much, MUCH more relaxed.  Homeschoolers want their kids to learn and part of that is giving them the freedom to go and experience things.
  7. You'll never get into a good college.  Umm...did you know that colleges are actively recruiting homeschoolers?  Probably not as diligently as they do high school football players in the great state of Texas, but it's still happening.  We are on the "most desirable" list and that's a pretty awesome place to be.
  8. Parents are not qualified to teach.  Ok, so perhaps some of us make better teachers then others but parents, you teach your children every single day.  You teach them manners, you taught them their ABC's, you teach them to tie their shoes- so why in the world would you say we aren't qualified to teach other subjects?  Umm...that's all we do as parents is teach.
  9. We are all the same.  If you've met one homeschooler you've met them all, right?  We are all different and there is no one right way to homeschool or one right reason to choose to homeschool.  We come from all different walks of life and that's a good thing mmkay...
  10. Homeschooling is expensive.  This couldn't be further from the truth.  Homeschooling takes work and sacrifice and yes, you might have to make some changes but it can be done.  It's possible to work and homeschool and it's possible to use free or low cost curriculum- it just takes a little work and ingenuity.

So there it is, my top 10 list.  Do you think I've left anything out?

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