
Monday, December 1, 2014

Down with GMO's

One of the many goals that I had for the start of 2014 was to further eliminate GMO's from our diet.  For us, this has been a slow and steady process.  I had thought we were doing really well but I have to be honest and say, that in the last year- we've really upped our game.

My focus has been primarily on eating more local foods, further reducing the processed foods and making even more things from scratch- like breads and tortillas.  Now, we really didn't have lots of processed foods to begin with- seriously, there's no canned soups in my pantry and chips are not a staple in our house.  But there's always room for improvement, right?

Last year, we were at a steady 80/20.  Meaning that 80% of what my family ate was organic and GMO free.  Looking back, a year later and we are at a solid 90/10.  Which, if you've ever tried to do this- you know how BIG of an accomplishment this truly is!

This means that when I pack the husband his lunch for work- it is 90% organic and GMO free.  When we eat dinner at home it is 90% organic and GMO free.  The snacks we eat, what we drink, the salad dressings and other condiments- all 90% organic and GMO free.


So why am I doing this?  What's the big deal about eating GMO's?

You guys- I'm going to tell you and I really hope you'll listen.  Your health and your children's health literally depend on it.

GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organisms.  Basically, its a plant or animal (whoa! an animal?!) that has been altered in some way.  It is not something that occurs in nature.  It is not natural and as such, we simply don't know 100% that it is safe.  So it stands to reason, that if we don't know it's safe- we probably shouldn't be eating it.

I will also point out that there have been many studies done by Monsanto to prove that GMO's are safe.  However, pay close attention to these studies.  They occur typically within a 3 month time frame and are conducted by people in their employ.  Can you say- conflict of interest?!?

On the other hand, there have been MANY studies showing that GMO's are in fact not safe for human consumption.  Most notably, the recent one done by French scientist, Seralini and his team.  The big difference between these studies and the ones being conducted by Monsanto is that the timeline is much longer- 2 years instead of just 3 months.  This gives you much more data to explore and what he and his team found, was appalling.  Tumors, cancer, kidney and liver damage are among the many increased health risks they found.

Another important point to consider is the reason behind why these companies support GMO's.  Monsanto will tell you that it all comes down to being able to feed the hungry.  They are doing a grand and noble thing by making seeds that are resistant to bugs and weeds and will therefore allow the farmer to have a higher crop yield.  More crops, means more food- right?  Seems like a really great reason, doesn't it?

But did you know that organic farming practices produces the same amount of food and is sustainable for a much longer period of time?

Wait.  What?!?

Yeah....Monsanto doesn't tell people this.  Because if they knew- I think most of us would say, "why do we need Monsanto and it's chemicals when the natural methods work just as well?"  The truth is, we don't.

Parents- I don't know about you, but I simply don't want my child eating foods that could literally kill him.  This is what GMO's will do if eaten for a sustained period of time.  Not too mention all the other side effects like behavior issues, decreased immunity and allergies.  Seriously- let's stop and think.  Our kids are growing up eating this stuff.  There has never been a time in their lives when they were NOT eating GMO's.

It's a new world.  Let's just talk for a moment about the way we grew up eating.  My parents are fond of saying, "you ate this food and you're just fine."  But here's the thing- it's not the same food.  Are you listening?  It's NOT THE SAME FOOD!  Sure, it might look the same and taste the same but the ingredients that are used to make up this food are no longer the same ingredients that they used 20+ years ago.  Ah- the old bait and switch.

The food is different.  Why?  Well major corporations have found that by using GMO ingredients and other chemicals and toxins, they can make more food for less money.  And that's it in a nutshell.  Our food system is owned by just a handful of large companies that have found a way to make more money.  They simply don't care that the ingredients in your corn flakes are now literally made up of pesticides, insecticides and fungicides.  Say what?!?

So what's a concerned Mama to do?  How do you avoid a certain type of food that is literally in every single thing you come across?  How do you get rid of the GMO's?

The only fool proof way to know that you are not eating GMO's is to buy certified organic foods.  Food companies will try to trick you into thinking you are buying the "good stuff" with words just as "All Natural" or "Made with Natural Ingredients" but the only way to know for sure is to buy 100% organic.  Now, if you're too overwhelmed by all this information flooding your brain (it's alot, I know!) then simply look for these labels when out at the grocery store.

There are other simple things you can do- like buying from local famer's who use organic farming practices.  It's not just your breakfast cereal that is contaminated with GMO's.  You must consider the meat your family eats, the dairy, the eggs, the toast you feed your kids for breakfast, the rolls with dinner, the ketchup you put on your hot dog- EVERYTHING.

My advice from a Mom who's been there- terrified, appalled and overwhelmed....start small.  Make a few small changes that you know you can stick to and simply make it a priority.  My recommendation is to start with the animals.  Anything that comes from an animal, needs to be organic.  I won't go into the horrific details of why, but trust me when I say- if you make NO OTHER CHANGES, make this one.  And if you simply must know, Google "factory farms and GMO's" but don't say I didn't warn you.

From there you can move on to produce, snacks and condiments.  One small step at a time.

It all comes down to this- when your child takes a bite of their ham sandwich, will you feel good knowing you are nourishing their body?  Or will you make yourself sick thinking about the chemicals, poisons and health risks that are contained in the meat, cheese and bread?

You can do this.  I know you can.

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