
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Love Your Husband

In our society, we are always hearing about making sure we as women feel loved.  That we are told by the men in our lives how special we are, how important we are and how much they love us.  One would think our men need to be on bended knee with bleeding hearts to properly express their sincere feelings towards us as women.  Now of course it's nice to hear how awesome I am.  What woman wouldn't want that?

But where in our modern world are we as women being told that we should be doing the same for our man?  Seriously- think about this.....I'm not seeing any messages, subliminal or otherwise, that are letting us know that we as women MUST tell our husbands how much they rock our worlds.  It just doesn't exist and as a wife and a Mother to a son- I find this extremely sad.  

Men are just as important as women.

Oh shit.  I went there.  Flame on feminists, flame on.

But you know its true.  We women are NOT any better.  We don't love better, we don't have better careers, we don't parent better, we don't sing better, we don't drive better....we don't do anything better.  We simply do it differently.  We are equal.  Yep, you heard that right- traditional wife that I am and I'm telling you all that we are equal to men.  We balance each other out.  We are individuals.

That's just who we are as people, not as a gender.

And if you are lucky ladies, you will find a man who balances you out.  If you love cooking but he hates it- seems to me you've found the perfect match.  If you want to climb the corporate ladder but he would rather stay home with the kids- you'd better marry that man!  It's not about being better, it's not about looking down upon men but rather standing by their side.  Loving them, supporting them and treating them as equals just as we want them to treat us.  So this is simply my message to you.  Don't forget that your husband is a person too.  He needs to feel loved just like you do.  He needs to hear your validation and feel your support- just as you do.  Don't forget that.


Below is a recent message that I posted over on the Facebook page.  A reminder to us all to take the time and tell our husband's how very much they mean to us.  Love them, encourage them, validate them, lift them up, hear them....just as we want the same.  It's important and I promise you that it will only help to strengthen your marriage.

Y'all- I just want to take a moment & talk about the husband. 

Our marriage isn't perfect & we are certainly far from perfect people. But what we do have is an unshakable love. A connection so deep that sometimes words aren't even needed. I can look at him & know what he's feeling. I know his thoughts before he does & I know him better than anyone. He is my best friend & I am his. 

Yes- we do fight. And oh boy does he ever piss me off sometimes. The same can be said in return. We are so different that we certainly have our fair share of disagreements. But I still love him. I will always love him, just as he will always love me. He is a part of me- he is my home, he is my heart. And not one day goes by that I don't tell him how much I love him or show him how much he means to me.

So tonight, I want to encourage all of the wives here. Keep loving your husband. Encourage him, fight for him, praise him, thank him but always, always let him know that he is loved. Husband's need to hear it just as much as we do.

And to my own husband- You know what's in my heart, just as I know what's in yours. Fourteen years later & you are still my forever.

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