
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Change Your Health

We've been on this journey towards a healthier lifestyle for several years now.  Eh- probably around 6 or more, so awhile.  In that time frame, we've made some big changes.  We've totally changed our diet, we've adopted more meat free meals, we are on a strict vitamin/supplement regime, reduced the amount of chemicals and toxins we are exposed to and so on.  This has been a very LONG process and I have to be honest and say, that for the husband- it's been the hardest.

The kiddo was just a little guy when we started out, so he really doesn't know any better.  And me- well I'm the crazy mastermind behind all this, so of course I'm totally on the board.  The husband- not so much.

But I just have to stop and take a moment and say how proud I am of him.  He initially followed along because I didn't give him much choice.  Bwahahaha.....however, in the last year I've seen him taking more and more initiative and I'm super excited about it.

He's really wanting to make these changes.  He's also telling others about the steps he's taking and trying to encourage them to do the same- even if they do throw bitch fits at him and say, "you ate at Carl's Jr that one time..." it doesn't stop him.  And just the other day, he texted his friend the recipe for my Green Smoothie.  I shit you not- he's texting his buddies smoothie recipes.

Shut.  The.  Front.  Door.

He is really putting in the work and its exciting for me to witness.

Ok- so why am I telling you all this?  Well, I love to brag about the husband of course!  But there's another reason.

For years the husband has battled with sinus issues, eczema, high blood pressure, stress, anxiety (work induced) & was at risk for diabetes.  Yikes!  Unfortunately to combat all these issues, he's been prescribed a chemical cocktail.  Double Yikes!

Sound familiar?

I bet it does!

So, today he went to the doctor for a checkup.  The doctor had this to say- "Wow.  Whatever you've been doing, keep doing it."  Not only have his sinus issues totally cleared up (with the very occasional flare up) but his weight is down, his blood pressure is significantly improved and he's no longer at risk for developing diabetes.

Wait.  What?

You heard me right- he's made huge changes in his health, in just the last year.  So you just know that I have to tell you all what he's been doing because maybe, just maybe- it might help you too.

  • Gave up most fast food places, including his fav- Taco Bell.
  • Drastically reduced his soda intake even more then before, to just a couple per week.
  • Even more vegetarian meals, lentils & quinoa OH MY!
  • Lots of kale smoothies!
  • Drinks Apple Cider Vinegar every morning.
  • Takes cinnamon for high blood pressure.
  • Oil pulling with organic coconut oil.
  • Drinks Kombucha several times weekly.
  • Eats more fruits & veggies.

You guys- I just.  I can't.  I don't....

It's awesome.

He went from several pills, to one.  Just one.  And for anyone who takes a handful of pills to deal with "lifestyle" issues (you know- stress, weight, high blood pressure etc) you know that his is big.  HUGE.

I'm so happy, I could cry.  The jury's still out- I just might.

But this is so exciting for all of you too!  For anyone who suffers from the same issues or something similar- the husband is proof that with hard work you can totally eliminate many of your health problems.  So please- browse my blog, read some of the recipes, google "oil pulling" and make your health a priority.

You're worth it, now do it.

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