
Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Homeschooled Housewife Works

You've asked and now I'm answering.  What do I do?

Well the simple answer is that I do part time customer service from my home.  I found this job on craigslist, beat out 100's of other prospects- many of which were former Microsoft employees and held Master's degrees and so here I am- working and homeschooling.

The company I work for is a local, family run company.  There's less then 5 employees and I am pretty much the only one who handles the customer service.  I answer customer questions and place orders via phone and online chat.  In addition, I also help with assembly of the product when needed.

I do not get paid a lot.  But I do this job because it allows me to be home to homeschool and run our house.  I am always on the lookout for new jobs and more ways to add to our family income.  At this point in life, I have a few requirements from any new job that I accept.

1.  Flexible.  Any prospective employer must acknowledge that my family comes first.  With my son's ever changing homeschool classes and activities, a flexible schedule is a must.

2.  The ability to have my son with me if needed.  It's simple really- I stay home so we don't have to pay for daycare.  So any job that I take must allow for me to have my son with me if I'm unable to have my husband or other family members watch him.

And that's it.  Yep- just two priorities when I take on any new job.  Notice that I didn't say money or career advancement.  These things aren't even on my list although I'm sure for most people they would be the main reasons behind accepting any new position.

So Moms- if you're looking to work and homeschool I have some advice for you.

  • Be willing to do anything.  If the job is flexible and allows you to have your kids, then it doesn't matter what the actual job is.  I've cleaned offices and scooped animal poop all because it met my two requirements above.
  • Work several part time jobs instead of one full time job.  It's much easier to find a couple part time jobs that offer a flexible schedule then it is to find a full time one. 
  • Work odd hours.  There's a market for folks who are willing to work super early, late at night, weekends or swing shift.  And yes- many times these odd hours mean more pay.
  • Apply, apply, apply.  Seriously- if you're even remotely qualified then apply for it!  Who cares that they want a college degree and you don't have one.  Or the hours don't seem like enough.  You never know what the job will become if you didn't at least apply for it.
  • Get creative.  Think outside the box.  Ask family and friends if they have any work for you, contact your local church about working in the nursery or for evening childcare for choir practices and MOPS meetings.
  • Every little bit helps.  If you're in desperate need of money, then you need to realize that NO job is too small.  I complete surveys online for $3 each.  Seriously- only $3.
  • Change your attitude.  This is by far my biggest piece of advice.  There is NO way to make lots of money without working your butt off.  Be prepared to do what it takes.  And while you're at it- have confidence in yourself.  I have never gone on a job interview and NOT been offered the job.  I'm not boasting here- this is simply because I know what my skills are, my strengths and my weakness and I take pride in who I am.  With an attitude like that- you can't fail.

Here's a list of jobs that I've personally had while homeschooling:

Night shift at hotel
Assembly for my current job
Human Resource Assistant
Pet sitter
Market Research with Fieldworks Seattle
Church nursery worker
Assistant Marketing Director at Retirement Home
Ebay seller
Online survey taker with Pinecone Research
Vacation Bible School day leader
Independent employee for gas price research
Customer Service
Assembly & Production
Event staff at convention center

So yeah- nothing too glamorous here but it helps pay the bills.  Being able to stay home is a blessing but I won't say that it doesn't come without hard work and sacrifice.  

You can do this Mommas!

***Want to Read More****

*After publish edit.

At the time of the original posting, I was only working one job.  I now have a second job as an Administrative Assistant outside the home on nights and weekends.

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