
Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Great Pizza Debacle 2014

Last night the husband really made me mad.  Well how could this happen you ask?  Here's how...

The Masterpiece
On his way home from work, he stopped literally 5 minutes from home and bought a Little Caesars pizza.  Then promptly ate half of it by the time he got home.  Meanwhile, I was battling work, a cranky kiddo who was NOT listening, homeschooling and 2 crazy Rat Terriers who were fighting over chew bones.  I took time out of my insane day to stop and make the husband one of his favorite meals, homemade macaroni with cheese.  But ladies- I stepped it up a bit.  I added 4 different kinds of organic cheese, 2 different pastas and Applegate organic turkey bacon.  I slaved over a hot stove, in a hot house for 90 minutes making this masterpiece!  And the husband buys crap pizza less then an hour before dinner!?!  Yeah- I was pissed.

So why am I telling you all of this?  It's simple really....I want you to see how a real marriage works.

I was angry.  I told my husband I was angry.  We talked about it, we figured out a compromise and he promised to get his head out of his butt and never do that again.  People make mistakes- we all do.  I know that he wasn't intentionally trying to ruin this nice dinner that I made just for him.  Sometimes shit happens.

So even though I consider myself to be a Traditional Wife- that doesn't mean that I don't still get angry at my husband.  That doesn't mean that I'm meek and timid.  If he pisses me off- like he did last night, I let him know.  We work through our issues, we seek compromise and resolution and we do it in a way that is not hurtful to the other.

Because at the end of the day- my marriage succeeding is worth the struggle.  It's worth every small argument as we navigate resolution, it's worth the anger and the upset, it's worth the fight.  I love my husband.  My husband loves me.  We got this.

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