
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Are You a Yes Mom?

Or maybe a No Mom?

Say what?

Well think about it- how often do you say Yes or No to your children?  For most of us, it probably falls into either one or the other.  I know many parents who are constant "Yessers".  And yeah- I just totally made that word up but it works, right?  They are saying Yes to every single thing- trips to get Froyo, new toys, staying up past bedtime, cell phones, visits to the park, new video games.  You get the idea.  Then of course there are parents who say No to everything.  No to playing games after dinner, No to ice cream, No to a new Lego set and on and on it goes.

For me- I like to think I'm somewhere in the middle.  But the reality is that I probably lean more towards the No side of things.  Sigh...

So this year, I've decided that I'm going to try to say Yes more often.  This does NOT mean I will become a "Yesser".  Ok yeah- that word doesn't really work does it?  But you know what I mean.  The next time William asks me if he can stay up a little past his bedtime or if I will play Uno with him- I will do my best to say Yes.  And when he wants to go play at his favorite park, even though I have a mountain of work to do- I will try to say Yes.  Staying late after classes, so he can play on the playground- Yes.  Buying ice cream cones and chocolate sauce at the grocery store so he can make himself a fun treat after dinner- Yes.  Watching loom band tutorials with him on YouTube- Yes.

Yes.  Yes.  Yes.

I want my child to look back on his childhood and remember all the fun things we did and all the wonderful adventures we had.  That simply can't happen if I'm saying No all the time.  Balance is the key here and this is what I'm striving to reach.  So I hereby declare, that I am going to make more of an effort to be a Yes Mom.

Think about it-which one are you?  A Yes Mom or a No Mom?

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