
Monday, April 21, 2014

One Meal at a Time

My parents came over for Easter dinner yesterday.  And as we were sitting in the living room, visiting and waiting for the Ham to cook- we started talking about food.  I'll summarize for you, but basically- my Dad, who does all the grocery shopping and cooking was stating how the price of meat (not organic meat) has gone up.  How it's difficult to feed all 8 people in their household with the rising costs of food in general.

I totally get it.  Food is expensive.  And good food is extremely expensive.  Sadly, the cost of organic is out of reach for many.  And yes- I know you can coupon, shop the sales, buy in bulk....yada, yada.  I know how to save at the grocery store.  So let's just put that aside for now.  The fact of the matter is that organic food costs a shit ton more then conventional.  There are less coupons and less sales on these items and typically the packaging is smaller.  So not only are you paying more, but you're also getting less.

For my parents, and I'm sure many others out there, eating 100% organic is simply out of reach.

So as the conversation progressed, I expressed to my parents that instead of stressing out about the rising costs of meat, how about simply eating less of it?  This will save you money, I said.  Plus it's better for you!  I went over some alternatives that are healthier and cheaper- foods like lentils, barley, beans and quinoa.  These items are very easy to make, most people like them and they are cheap.  Even the organic versions are fairly inexpensive.

Now, my Dad, who is a MEAT LOVER- said this will simply not work at their house.  Everyone in their household eats meat daily, almost at every single meal.  Is your house like this?  I'm sure you can relate....bacon or sausage with breakfast, ham sandwich for lunch, chicken at dinner and then repeat.  Day in and day out.  Trust me- I know.  I grew up eating this way and for the first few years after moving out, I continued eating this way.

So here's the question that I posed to my Dad and I want you all to really think about what your own answer would be.

If you knew 100%, without a doubt, that eating meat every single day would give you cancer, would you continue to eat it?

Then I followed up with this question-

If you knew that reducing the amount of meat you eat would drastically cut your risks for getting cancer, would you eat less meat?

Now, you may be thinking....geez, that's a pretty crazy question.  But the reality is that eating lots of meat, especially conventional meat, will increase your odds for disease, especially cancer.  Google it- no joke.

So here's what I challenged my parents to do.  Simply start by making one day, one meal without any meat.  Do not add meat to the side, do not center your meal around meat and do not cheat and go eat a turkey sandwich later.  Just make the decision that you will make one night per week meatless and stick to it!  You have to start somewhere and there is nothing wrong with taking baby steps.  That's how my husband and I did it, so I know it works!

I sent my parents home with a fool proof recipe, Quinoa with Black Beans, Corn & Cilantro.  It combines yummy Mexican flavors with beans and quinoa for a protein packed, satisfying vegetarian entree.  It's easy to make and can easily be doubled or tripled to feed a larger household.  And best of all- it's cost efficient!

They said they will give it a try and I hope you will too!  Challenge yourself and your family- making positive changes doesn't have to be difficult, it can be as simple as making one meal.

Want to read more?

Interested in finding out more about the amazing benefits to adopting a more meat free life?  I highly recommend you check out the documentaries, Forks Over Knives and Vegucated.  And of course, if you haven't watched Food Inc yet- you simply MUST!  Here's a short clip below from Forks Over Knives.

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