
Friday, March 28, 2014

Pills, Pills, Pills

Last week the husband was lifting William up over his head and seriously injured his back.  Due to the nature of his physically demanding job, he's had back issues in the past.  However this time was different.

Usually we can go the natural route and he's feeling much better within a day.  This time, no amount of Epsom salt baths, chiropractic care, ice packs or magnesium supplements would touch his pain.  By day three, I called it- "we need to be more proactive".  I feared he may need X-Rays and could have done some serious damage to his back and spine.  Since our naturopath was closed, we went to the emergency walk in clinic down the street.  What happened next was pretty appalling...

When the doctor finally arrived in the office, he asked my husband what medications he had been taking for his pain.  Proceeded to do a series of strength tests on his legs to rule out a herniated disc and then gave him prescriptions for heavy narcotics.  He also mentioned a shot that could be given, calling it "Ibuprofen on steroids".  Since my husband had already tried the Ibuprofen and it had no effect, I was amazed that he would recommend something that we told him wasn't working.  It was as if he wasn't listening at all.  At.  All.

The doctor offered no other suggestions beside "take these pills".

Finally, when it was clear we would get no other advice besides besides taking drugs, I asked the doctor what he should be doing to heal faster.  I'd done some research via WebMD and was convinced my husband might be seriously hurt.  Thanks WebMD for putting the fear of God into most healthy adults. 

Some of my questions were this- Should he lay down or move around?  Is heat or ice best?  What about hot baths?  How long should recovery take?  Does he need X-Rays?

It was seriously appalling to me that the doctor did not go over any of this with us.  We left the doctors office with 3 prescriptions and no other alternatives.  And this my friends is just one of the many things that are wrong with our health care system.

  • The doctor did not listen to my husband.
  • The doctor did not offer any suggestions or helpful information for recovery.
  • The doctor prescribed 3 medications- one a heavy painkiller.
  • The doctor did not go over any follow up care.


Yes, I do realize this was a walk in type situation and he was not our primary care doctor.  However, I can't help but wonder how many folks only see a medical professional in a walk in situation.  Especially those who don't have insurance.  Been there, done that.  And I know from experience that you only go to the doctor when you have NO OTHER options. 

We are a nation addicted to taking pills.  Leg hurts- take a pill.  Headache- take a pill.  Hurt your back- here, take 3 pills.  It's sad really and this doctor's visit simply re-affirmed my desire to invest in my health and my family's health.  Eat for wellness, avoid stress, go the natural healing route, exercise and for goodness sake- lay off the pills!

*Read the follow up to this story here, Pills- A Week Later.

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