
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Cancer Sucks

Chances are your life has been touched by cancer.  Cancer strikes down 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women.  Holy Shit.

Just think on that a moment.  That's half of all men and 1/3 of all women.  That's some scary business.  Terrifying actually.  So if it's not your husband who gets cancer, chances are it will be your Dad or your brother.  And if you don't get it, odds are good another woman in your family will.

Shit.  Shit.  Double shit.

Now let's take  a deep breath.  I'm about to tell you something that will change your life.  Please listen.

Cancer is 80% your environment and lifestyle and only 20% genetic.

What does this mean?  Well simply put, it means that you have an 80% chance of NOT getting cancer.  Say what?!?  I'm sure right about now you're thinking....but how is that even possible?  When everyone around you is being diagnosed or dying- how can we have 80% control over not getting it.  Crazy right?

The answer is this- cancer is big business.  Diagnosis, treatment, follow up care, respite care, medications and big pharma- you bet they all have  stake in whether or not you get cancer and are cured.  But guess who else has their hands in the cancer pie?  Our food system.  Huh?  I know- weird right?  What does our food have to do with cancer?  Well sadly, the answer is more then you think.  The food we eat today is chock full of chemicals, toxins and other harmful ingredients.  These ingredients are proven to give you cancer.  It's a fact Jack.

So let's come back to that earlier percentage- you have 80% control over your body.  An 80% chance of not getting cancer.  Those are some really great odds.  So why are so many people still getting cancer when they have an 80% chance of stopping it?  The answer is easy- they simply don't know.

Sadly, my own life has been touched by cancer and I'm sure that most of you reading this can say the same thing. I beg of you to share this information with every single person you know.  Every single one.  It just may save a life or two.  Through my own experiences and research- here's some basic information on how to increase your cancer prevention odds.

  • Change your diet.  If you do nothing else- do this one!  A plant based diet is best.  Reduce your meat consumption, seriously think about going vegan and buy as much organic as possible.  Avoid those GMO's- they are poison.
  • Reduce your stress.  Take daily walks, work on your breathing, laugh more, don't bring work home with you, focus on your family and do your best to enjoy life.
  • Stop smoking and cut way back on your drinking.  In my house we refer to cigarettes as "cancer sticks" because that's exactly what they are- just stop.  Right now.
  • Eliminate the toxins and chemicals in your home.  You would be amazed at how much is absorbed through our skin.  So the next time you wash your clothes in harmful chemicals, rub aluminum deodorant all over your armpits and spray your kitchen counters down with "cleaner"- stop and think about what's actually in those products.

Doesn't seem so difficult, right?  These are 4 simple things that anyone can do to increase your chances of not getting cancer.  Full disclosure here- I am NOT a medical doctor.  This is not medical advice that should be used in place of - and yada yada blah blah blah.  You get it.  This is just simply my own research and what I personally do for myself and my family.  I hope you'll do your own research and seriously consider some major life changes.  I promise you won't regret it- spread the word and share this with everyone you know!

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