
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

It's OK.

Sitting here in the library at William's homeschool program.  There's a boy about his age, maybe a couple years older, who is hard at work on the computer next to mine.  He's been working steadily for over 30 minutes when his Mother comes by to check his progress.

"Holy Mother of *&%#*& all the *#%$&* Jesus *&#*%*....."  And on and on her tirade goes.  Words come flying out of her mouth that are clearly not meant for little ears.  Her movements are jerky, her breathing is harsh.

I can't help but listen in- I try not to, really I do.  But when you are sitting right next to someone, it's impossible not to overhear.  And what I hear is a Mother who is struggling.  She's frustrated.  She's grumpy and upset and this poor Mother, is clearly on the brink of losing it.

She excuses herself and tells her son that she's going to the bathroom and she will be right back.  I have a feeling she's walking away to go have a good cry.  We've all been there and I can recognize the signs.

A few minutes later she comes back and is more composed.  Perhaps that moment away helped her.

But as she helps her son with his work, I hear "sometimes I wish we never homeschooled.  Sending you to public school would be so much easier.  Why do things have to be so difficult?"  She's trying.  But this poor Mother is on the precipice of meltdown.  I can hear it in her voice- she's desperately struggling to maintain control.

And here I sit, right next to them and there's nothing I can really do for her.  I can understand her and I can empathize with her but I can't make it any easier.  We've all had those moments of challenge and I know we've all felt like giving up.

Her son finishes up his work and runs off to class.  And this Mother simply sits here.  Deep breath in.  Deep breath out.

She finally turns to me and apologizes.  I reach over, touch her arm and say- "It's ok.  We've all been there"  We smile, that knowing smile that all homeschooling Moms understand.  Yes, we've all been there.

It's Ok.

Tomorrow is a new day.  Homeschooling is filled with doubt and with struggle.  Some days are simply more challenging then others.  But we push forward because it's also filled with amazing moments.  We are truly blessed to watch our children learn and grow, to be by their side day in and day out.  It's struggle and joy, happiness and frustration, amazement and anger- it simply is- And unless you are in it, you will never understand.

It's Ok.

Struggling Mother- everything will be Ok.

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