
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

To All the Naysayers

It seems that when you decide to homeschool- everyone and their Mother has an opinion about it.  And it's not always a good one!  I fail to see how my choice in how I raise my child and how we choose to educate him is really anyone's business.  But I suppose that people will always question those who go against the norm...

So here's the answer that I give when met with the inevitable questions.  "It's the choice we felt was best for our child and our family."  End quote.  Really- that's all you need.  There is NO reason to blab on and on about public school vs homeschool.  About government influences, lack of religion, poor behaviors, peer pressure etc.  Just be honest and be brief.  You don't owe anyone an explanation, even though they might think you do.

And of course whenever people find out that I'm a Traditional Housewife- they have an overwhelming desire to open their mouths and insert their foots.  Hmm...perhaps that's why I don't go around sharing this aspect of my marriage?  The reality is that my marriage is private.  So unless I've opened up to you (Hello Blogland!) or specifically asked for your advice and opinions, it's best to keep your mouth shut.

Now there are of course people in your life that are worth sharing and opening up to.  This post is not for them.  You should absolutely talk about your lifestyle and choices with those valued friends and family members who can respect your choices.  But let's face it- many can't.  Don't waste your breath on these folks- they are simply not worth your time.

The reality is this- I'm not willing to compromise for anyone but my husband or child.  So to all the naysayers, I have this to say-

I am so very happy with Me.  I know who I am and I like myself.  I'm not changing.

I have a fulfilling marriage.  My husband and I are happy with how our marriage operates.  

My child is awesome.  He's happy and healthy and he's pretty funny too!  Your parenting advice is not needed or wanted.

If you can't respect the choices that my husband and I have made to parent, educate and raise our child then you have no place in our lives.

And to all you fellow Homeschooling Moms and to all the Traditional Housewives- listen up!  Be yourself and screw anyone who doesn't like it.  Be happy in your marriage and confident in your decision to homeschool.  Once you do this, no one can hurt you.  Happiness comes from within and no one can touch that!

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