
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Leading by Example

No parent is perfect and we are certainly no exception.

But we are big believers in leading by example.  Modeling the behavior and actions that you want your child to follow.  Wow- what a lofty idea huh?  If you've ever read any parenting books or listened to so called parenting "experts" you've probably heard a lot of similar ideas.  Leading by example.  Yes, well....that's all well and good, but how do you translate that to real life?

Oooh- I'm SO glad you asked!  I have THE perfect example for you.  I didn't plan it, there was no great thought behind it- it simply happened.  And it was awesome.

It all began when I ordered a new pantry in an effort to work towards my New Year's Goals and Resolutions.  Unfortunately, my pantry was delivered to the wrong address less then a 1/2 mile away.  The woman who lived at that address took the time to call me and inform me of what had happened.  She even offered to have her husband haul my 200 lb pantry over to my house.  All 3 boxes of it! Thankfully, I was able to notify UPS and they went back and picked it up and delivered it to the correct address this time.

Where's the lesson in this?  Hmm....just you wait.  It's coming.

I had a few phone calls back and forth with this kind lady in our efforts to coordinate the correct delivery.  She took the time out of her day to do something nice and for that- I am very thankful.  So today while my son and I were out running errands, I told him that I wanted to do something nice to say thank you.  We talked about it and decided that a small gift card to Starbucks would be a nice way show our appreciation.

He helped me pick out the gift card and helped with the Thank You card.  He watched me write the note, include the gift card and put her address and a stamp on it.  He was a witness to both this woman's kindness and our appreciation for her actions.

After all was said and done he said to me- "Mom, you know we didn't have to do all that.  But I think I understand why we did."

And there it is.  Lesson learned.  Hopefully remembered and some day- to be repeated.

It is my firm belief that true parenting happens in these quiet moments.   When you as a parent are given an opportunity to model exceptional behavior and to lead by example.  It's important for us to remember that our children are always watching, silently observing and one day- repeating.  


  1. Teaching our children these small lessons is one of the reasons why we homeschool:) Great job!!

    1. Thanks Becky! Getting to be with our kids every day is such a wonderful gift! ;)
