- We march to the beat of our own drum. We are trail blazers, free spirits and in general- we do what we want, we we want to. Simply because we can.
- Sometimes we forget what grade our kids are in. Seriously- this has happened to me. Someone asks you what grade your child is in and you get this blank stare- ummm....3rd?
- We fail to see the importance behind tests. Yes, we get that as our children get older and perhaps go to college- they will have to take tests. But right now? Why take a test when we already know how our kids are doing?
- We have no idea how to line up. Ever been on a homeschool field trip? The concept of forming a nice, neat line is foreign to us. And further more- why would we even do this? Makes no sense to us at all.
- We don't fit in with normal. We sew our own clothes (project!) and grow our own food. Some of us have farms or just several chickens running loose in the backyard. We wear a lot of tie dye. We like comfy shoes and usually don't wear makeup. We take our kids to GMO protests and make signs for animal rights. We are different.
- Sometimes we forget what day it is. Yes, I have to admit that when you are home everyday having fun, learning and playing Legos it can be super easy to forget what day it actually is. Many times the only way I know is that my phone beeps a reminder at me that I need to do something that day.
- We don't understand why we have to ask permission. Spend any amount of time inside a public school classroom and you'll see all these well trained children asking permission to get up for some water, to go to the bathroom or sharpen a pencil. Homeschoolers just do what needs to be done.
- We are much better socialized then public schoolers. Yes, I said it.
- We do not all fit into one mold. Homeschoolers come in all shapes, sizes, colors, cultural backgrounds, religions, etc. We homeschool for many different reasons. Our families include 1 child, 10 children, foster kids, special needs, gifted, 2 Moms, grandparents, etc. We are not all the same.
- We are rule breakers. And there it is- perhaps the biggest truth about all homeschoolers. We challenge the norm, we question the rules and many times, we make up our own!
Working Wife and Mother raising one homeschooled boy and one crazy rat terrier. Follow along on the journey of a modern day traditional housewife who believes in putting her man and her child before herself. That home is the best place for her son to learn and that a woman's place is at the heart of her family.
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