
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Does a Strong Woman Result in Divorce?

I've talked a bit about how my marriage works.  It's certainly no secret that my husband is Head of our Household.  This can be a confusing idea to most folks who know me in real life.  I am by nature very opinionated, headstrong and stubborn.  What can I say- I've been blessed!  Now most folks looking in, would naturally assume that these two things don't go well together.  And let me tell you- it's been a struggle sometimes to quiet my natural personality so that my marriage can be the priority.  Since I come from a long line of very strong women- it seems that I've been blessed from birth with these traits.  The women in my family are smart, independent, savvy and motivated to succeed- survivors if you will.

With that being said, unfortunately, there is also a lot of divorce in my family.  And for that matter- in my husband's family too.  So of course, that started me thinking about the reasons behind these divorces.  Could there be a correlation to strong woman and marriages that results in divorce?  Eek!  Now I know that I'm treading in dangerous waters...this is a topic sure to be sensitive to many.  But I feel that it bears looking into because I know that I want my marriage to succeed!

So here's what I know for sure:

  • Being right doesn't always mean you walk away the winner.  Folks- I love a good fight.  I'm great at arguing and making my point.  But I've learned that sometimes being right can be harmful to my marriage.  So I find myself asking this one simply question- "is it worth it?"  And most times, the answer is no.
  • Serving your husband does not make you a servant.  There is nothing wrong with taking his dinner plate to the kitchen or starting his shower for him after a long day at work.  Sure- you are doing things for him that he could do for himself.  But you are also showing him you love him.  Small and simple gestures truly go a long way in any marriage.  And let me tell you- when your husband returns the gesture, it's the best feeling in the world!  Why would you NOT want your loved one to experience this joy?
  • Quit fighting about things that don't matter.  Everyone knows that many marriages end in divorce because of financial issues.  Yes, of course, money is important.  But it will never be more important then my marriage.  The same thing goes for family, friends, jobs, houses etc.  At the end of the day, the only thing that will ever matter is my husband and my child.  Period.  So choose to stop fighting about things that are simply not as important.
  • It's alright to be needy.  Say what?!?  Listen up- I'm not saying that you need to turn into an insipid clingy shell of your true self.  So relax already!  But what I am saying is that it is perfectly ok to allow your husband to do things for you.  Especially if those things include tasks he excels at or takes great pride in.  Men like to feel needed.  Hell- we all like to feel needed.  So give your husband this gift.  Don't be so independent that he begins to wonder why he's there....otherwise he just might leave.
Of course there are always extenuating circumstances and other issues that cause strife in a marriage.  I get that.  Sometimes, there is nothing you can do to repair a marriage.  Especially if you married the wrong person.  Hey- it happens.

But I can tell you that there's nothing wrong with wanting your marriage to succeed.  Sometimes it takes a strong woman to admit that her marriage takes priority over herself.  And a truly strong woman to humble herself to allow her marriage to succeed.  I'm strong enough to admit it- are you?


  1. This is such a great article. I hate the word divorce! I remember how hard it was on me when my parents went through their divorce. Their lawyer Marshall Davis Brown from TX even suggested that I take classes for kids having difficulties dealing with their parents divorce. It seems like these days everyone is to quick to just give up instead of working to make things right. Its good to read something positive for a change.

    1. Thank You Lauren! I'm sorry you had to experience that- divorce is such a heartbreaking thing, especially for kids. I'm so thankful that my parents have been married 38 years & set a great example for myself & my husband. When my husband's parents divorced, it changed his entire world. But it also gave him a desire to do things differently in his own marriage. It seems that we no longer live in a time where you fix something if it's broken- nowadays, people just divorce and move on to the next marriage. Sad really.
