
Friday, November 22, 2013

The Loom of Doom & Other Fads

If there's one thing that Homeschooling has going for it, it's that my child doesn't get sucked into every single passing trend.

Remember these?  Pillow Pets....ah yes.  But now there's Glow Pets!

Or how about Silly Bandz?

And for the love of God- what scary business is this?!?

Now C'mon- admit may have gotten sucked into this one!  Someone bought William the board game version of this- he has NO CLUE what Angry Birds are and was not super interested in it.  Not to worry, the folks down at Goodwill are sure to be enjoying these mad little birdies.

Not to be forgotten is the motorized scooter.  Yes, for the fabulous price of $300- you too can encourage your child to be lazy.  Why pedal when you can motor?

And currently I'm seeing this bracelet loom kit blowing up my Facebook.  So clearly that must mean it's this month's hottest trend, right?  The Loom of Doom- no thanks, I'll pass.
Sure he does get sucked into a few fads, it's only natural!  He does have "normal public school" friends after all who like to brag about all the awesome stuff they "need".  And let's not forget the horrible commercials pitched at kids from every angle.  To be honest- this is partly why we limit the TV consumption.  Ugh, I can NOT stand those commercials.  

For the most part, we've been able to escape the madness.  My son doesn't have a WII or Xbox or even a Nintendo 3DS.  To be fair, he does have a Nintendo DS but only because a family member gave him their old one.  There's no $100 shoes in his closet or motorized scooters sitting in the garage.  And I certainly don't feel the need to rush out and buy him any of these ridiculous things!

The focus for my family is on quality and toys and other items that will last.  Why in the world would I clutter my house with expensive crap that he'll forget about next month when the newest fad hits the market?  This is one house that clearly doesn't feel the pressure to keep up with the Jones' and I'm pretty happy that my son doesn't even seem to notice.

Thanks Homeschooling- you ROCK!

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