
Friday, August 2, 2013

You are Mom

A Mom is there for all the little things.  And for all the important things.

It's the cleaning of the kiddie pool so Willliam & Buddy Boy can take a swim together.  The cup of hot chocolate that I make because William wanted "coffee" like Mommy.  The monthly trips to the trampoline park and the inflatable bouncy place. The late night holler across the upstairs hallway "put your headgear on for bed!".  The soccer cookies I bake & decorate and tie with orange & black ribbons to match his team, The Orange Tigers.  Washing the never ending mountain of laundry.  The cuddles on an early Saturday morning while everyone else is still sleeping.  And by everyone, I mean the husband.  The doctor's visits and the grocery store trips.  The last bites of my yummy baked potato that I willingly fork over because William loved it so.  The endless hours spent sitting in hot, chlorinated air encouraging him to swim, paddle and breathe.  For heaven sakes BREATHE!

A Mom is not fancy.

She's not glamorous.

We don't walk out of the hospital after giving birth with perfectly coiffed hair and matching family outfits.  Ahem- like those royal folks we watched on tv not to long ago.  Our cars are dirty and full of graham cracker crumbs and juice boxes.  And I'm pretty sure we all have a drawer full of yoga pants and a nice collection of Mom sneakers.

But she's there.  Everyday.  Being a Mom.

Applying bandaids.  Making dinner from scratch each and every night.  Budgeting the bank account and trying to figure out how to pay for soccer, swim lessons, martial arts, dance and a birthday party all in one month.  Cleaning the pee off the bathroom floor.  Midnight kisses on their precious sleeping faces.  Playing games of Monopoly, Connect Four and Uno.  Rubbing their backs to help them fall asleep.

This is what matters.  This is what you're children will remember.

So don't get so wrapped up in being THE world's most perfect Mother that you forget to be just a Mom.  There's nothing wrong in being just a MOM.  All these little things, these small moments in time...they add up.  And up and up and up.  Until no one person can ever compare to the job you have as Mom.

Relax.  You do enough.  You have enough.  You ARE enough.  You are Mom.

And that's the most amazing thing in the world.

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