
Friday, August 23, 2013

Fall Schedule

The time has come, Summer is almost over.  While William is certainly sad to see it go- I am looking forward to Fall.  My favorite time of the year is just around the corner!

Since we homeschool year round, the transition from Summer back to the school year is not nearly as difficult as it could be.  We do workbook and quiet reading during the Summer months so now that Fall is almost here, we will add in some classes.  Oh yeah- and soccer season has officially started.  So for the next 4 months our lives will be consumed with everything soccer.  WooHoo!  I'm a Soccer Mom!

If you'll remember, I posted a bit on what our Summer Homeschooling Schedule looks like.  So how will our Fall schedule compare?  Let's take a look, shall we?

60 minutes workbook
60 minutes quiet reading
30 minutes Compass Odyssey
1 hour soccer practice

60 minutes workbook
60 minutes quiet reading
30 minutes Compass Odyssey
1 hour Paragraph Writing class * at Edmonds Heights
1 hour Math class * at Edmonds Heights

60 minutes workbook
60 minutes quiet reading
30 minutes Compass Odyssey
1 hour soccer practice

60 minutes workbook
60 minutes quiet reading
30 minutes Compass Odyssey
1 hour Paragraph Writing class *
1 hour Math class * 
2 hour Swim & Gym class at YMCA

60 minutes workbook
60 minutes quiet reading
30 minutes Compass Odyssey
physical therapy

soccer game
Lowes Build & Grow free clinic *every other Saturday

As you can see, some days are pretty light as far as actual lesson time goes.  However, we more then make up for it on other days- Thursday anyone?  Eek!  Keep in mind that this is our goal for each day.  So some days William may only do 45 minutes of workbook or maybe he does 2 hours of quiet reading.  As long as we get fairly close to our daily goal- I'm happy with that!

I'm also trying to find a good program or class for William to continue with his Spanish lessons and his Martial Arts.  So that will hopefully be added to our Fall schedule here soon.   You'll notice that we cover pretty much all the basics.  There's language arts, math, reading, PE and in William's downtime, he loves creating art and doing science experiments.  He's also getting the appropriate amount of socialization and has enough down time to just be a kid.  

We also make time to visit the library each week.  Did you know that you can put books, DVD's, magazines etc on hold online and arrange to pick them up?  We take full advantage of this and I reserve items for myself, my husband and the kiddo.  This saves us money on curriculum too as I'm able to print off worksheets for free using the library computers and printers.  Check out for free worksheets, science experiments and crafts!

You'll also notice that we don't have a formal curriculum.  Check out my post here to read more about the program William attends.  For the actual workbook, William uses these great "all in one" Scholastic workbook that I buy from Costco for around $7.  There you have it- free classes at Edmonds Heights, free worksheets online, free books, magazines, DVDs and a yearly workbook for $7.  If you don't count the PE activities (soccer, martial arts, swim) our out of pocket expense for the entire year is well under $20.  Sweet!!

Now that's not a bad way to start the school year!

***Want to know more about the public school funded program that William attends?  Click here to check it out!

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